When I'm using latest version of scikit-hts package and trying to do a hierarchal forecasting that uses prophet model. Prophet version is 1.0 and pystan version is When I'm trying to run
clf = hts.HTSRegressor(model='prophet', revision_method='AHP', n_jobs=0)
model = clf.fit(hierarchy_train, hierarchy)
It is throwing an error saying, "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'fit'". I'm not facing any issues when I'm trying to run auto_arima, holt_winters and sarimax models. Also the commands to install these packages from scikit-hts are also not working. pip install scikit-hts[x], (where x =all/geo/arima/prophet) didn't work. How Can I resolve this issue?
When I'm using latest version of scikit-hts package and trying to do a hierarchal forecasting that uses prophet model. Prophet version is 1.0 and pystan version is When I'm trying to run clf = hts.HTSRegressor(model='prophet', revision_method='AHP', n_jobs=0) model = clf.fit(hierarchy_train, hierarchy) It is throwing an error saying, "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'fit'". I'm not facing any issues when I'm trying to run auto_arima, holt_winters and sarimax models. Also the commands to install these packages from scikit-hts are also not working. pip install scikit-hts[x], (where x =all/geo/arima/prophet) didn't work. How Can I resolve this issue?