carlomazzaferro / scikit-hts-examples

Example usage of scikit-hts
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Runing into timestamp/Freq error #7

Closed PeggyFan closed 3 years ago

PeggyFan commented 3 years ago

I am so excited to have found this package, but I've run into a wall.

I was able to fit the model without an issue. But I cannot figure out why when I tried preds = model.predict(steps_ahead=7), this error occurs:

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-78-45543541ce5b> in <module>
----> 1 preds = model.predict(steps_ahead=7)

~/analytics-etl/virtualenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hts/core/ in predict(self, exogenous_df, steps_ahead, distributor, disable_progressbar, show_warnings, **predict_kwargs)
    292             self.hts_result.errors = (key, error)
    293             self.hts_result.residuals = (key, residual)
--> 294         return self._revise(steps_ahead=steps_ahead)
    296     def _revise(self, steps_ahead=1):

~/analytics-etl/virtualenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hts/core/ in _revise(self, steps_ahead)
    304         revised_columns = list(make_iterable(self.nodes))
--> 305         revised_index = self._get_predict_index(steps_ahead=steps_ahead)
    306         return pandas.DataFrame(revised,
    307                                 index=revised_index,

~/analytics-etl/virtualenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hts/core/ in _get_predict_index(self, steps_ahead)
    312         freq = getattr(self.nodes.item.index, 'freq', 1)
--> 313         print(freq)
    314         start = self.nodes.item.index[-1] + freq
    315         end = self.nodes.item.index[-1] + (steps_ahead * freq)

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'Timestamp' and 'NoneType'

My input data frame df is

Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column                           Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------                             --------------  -----
 0   leveA_92_levelB_349     736 non-null    int64
 1   levelA_92_levelB_508     736 non-null    int64
 2   levelA_92                        736 non-null    int64
 3   total                                 736 non-null    int64

and date is the set as the index of df and there is no missing values in the date index.

How can I start debugging this? So bummed that I can't proceed.

PeggyFan commented 3 years ago

Found the solution in the old PR #30