download hdf5 with LPDAACDataPool() seems to be failing authentication. I'm being able to retrieve data from LPDAACData with my credentials but not from LPDAACDataPool()
# Study area boundary box coordinates
ul_lat <- 10.94819130
lr_lat <- 11.26036963
ul_lon <- -16.24124040
lr_lon <- -15.93194270
# Get path to GEDI data
ggLevel2B <-
gedifinder(level = "GEDI02_B", ul_lat, ul_lon, lr_lat, lr_lon)
# Downloading GEDI data
LPDAACDataPool(filepath = gLevel2B, outdir = here::here('data-raw'))
> LPDAACDataPool(filepath = gLevel2B, outdir = here::here('data-raw'))
Downloading file GEDI02_B_2019191204111_O03261_T05611_02_001_01.h5
|==============================================================================================| 100%
GEDI02_B_2019191204111_O03261_T05611_02_001_01.h5 not downloaded. Verify that your username and password are correct in C:/Users/PCardoso/Dropbox/programacao/gediRadar/data-raw/.netrc
download hdf5 with
seems to be failing authentication. I'm being able to retrieve data from LPDAACData with my credentials but not fromLPDAACDataPool()