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SET command wish list #50

Open DaveBenham opened 4 years ago

DaveBenham commented 4 years ago

Currently I am aware of 3 enhanced behaviors associated with patches to the native SET command.

The principal one is the ability of SET to define $heap variables. This makes all the sense in the world, and I would never want to lose that.

But another patch allows SET VAR = Trim one space on either side of equal. I am uncomfortable with that somewhat arbitrary definition. I understand that beginner batch coders are likely to try to define a variable with SET VAR = VALUE, and not understand why %VAR% does not work. But what about something like

set var1       =   1,000
set myVariable =      10
set Another    = 999,999

If one space is removed, wouldn't it be just as reasonable to expect that all whitespace before and after the = should be removed?

Also, I know that it is extremely unlikely that either the SET VAR = Value, or SET VAR+=AppendedValue patched behavior is likely to break any existing code. But the possibility is certainly there, and if we can get similar behavior in a manner that is guaranteed to be backward compatible, then I would prefer that.

Below is a wish list of potential changes to the SET patched behavior. They all assume you can patch the /Option parsing and behavior. That should be safe, because the native SET command does not allow a variable name to begin with / unless the entire assignment is quoted.

adoxa commented 4 years ago

If one space is removed, wouldn't it be just as reasonable to expect that all whitespace before and after the = should be removed?

It is reasonable, but that's not how CMD works. I cannot distinguish between spaces that should be preserved or stripped (without using additional options).

Also, I know that it is extremely unlikely that either the SET VAR = Value, or SET VAR+=AppendedValue patched behavior is likely to break any existing code.

That assigns AppendedValue to Var+, which is what existing code would expect. set VAR += AppendValue will do the append; I can't see anyone naming their variable with a trailing space-plus. Because I have the space there is why I added it to a normal assignment.

Currently XP returns 1 and sets ERRORLEVEL to 1 when attempting to undefine a nonexistent variable. All other versions do not. Fix XP behavior to match others.

That's a kernel issue (SetEnvironmentVariable itself is returning the error). Possibly I could work around it, but I'm not going to.

Return a unique non-zero value (1?) and set the ERRORLEVEL to match if a value cannot be set because the value is too long. Native behavior is to make no change to the variable, and to return 0 without modifying ERRORLEVEL.

How do you set a variable that is too long? CMD reads an 8Ki line, variables can be 32Ki. I created a 4Ki variable, echo failed to print it twice (i.e. echo !4Ki!!4Ki! output nothing); knocking off a character did work (echo !4Ki!!4Ki:~0,4095!). This looks to be a parsing issue, not specifically a SET issue.

[...] But we might want some switch to make .BAT behave like .CMD (low priority)

That's simple: ren *.bat *.cmd.

/T - Trim all whitespace to the immediate left and right of the assignment = so that set /t var = value is the same as set var=value. This option would replace the set var = value syntax.

/+ - Append the value to the end of the existing definition of the variable. This should also work with SET /P. This option would replace the set var+=appendedValue syntax.

I could do append and the spaces in the existing hook, so I didn't have to find any patches. This would be better, but I'm not sure if it's necessary.

/E - Allow escape sequences in both the variable name and the value (also the SET /P prompt, but not any SET /P input)

That sounds like another parser issue.

/Q - Interpret any "" within a quoted string as a single " literal. [...]

As does that. It's what string continuation is supposed to help with.

/C - Clear the value of the assigned variable before reading input. This is most commonly needed for SET /P. So instead of set "var="&set /p "var=Prompt: " you could simply do set /c /p "var=Prompt: ". But it would also be relavent when the assignment fails because the value is too long. Native behavior preserves the old value. This would effectively clear the definition if the value was too long.

Hm, that sounds like you actually want /P to assign an empty value. Although I think clearing it first would be easier to implement. If I do either.

/L - If you get around to it, add a long integer math interpreter analagous to the native SET /A

/F - If you get around to it, add a floating point math interpreter analagous to the native SET /A

It'd be /I (integer, but still 64-bit) and/or /C (calculator, using what's appropriate).

/P - Lots of potential modifications to the native behavior. This would require wholesale replacement of the existing SET /P code. If this is too complicated, then I guess we would need a CALLable @input extension:

Yes, "wholesale replacement" rather does imply a new function.

adoxa commented 4 years ago

Currently XP returns 1 and sets ERRORLEVEL to 1 when attempting to undefine a nonexistent variable. All other versions do not. Fix XP behavior to match others.

Don't know what I was thinking, this was trivial to fix.