carlos8f / searching-for-satoshi

i'm looking. where are you?
10 stars 2 forks source link

During the nicehash hack #1

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

I did some reverse lookup on a IP address associated with the node run that bitcoin moved through and it came up to a IRC log online of some guys using some NSA crypto lib (or purchasing it) from someone for the bitcoin project.

One guy was actually asian/japanese and appeared to run the operation, and would pass PGP encrypted messages from one IRC group to another like a jailhouse flipping bits to make sure it was randomized a bit.

Here it is:

It's very slow, but you might pull it up from internetarchive

Also- I hope you are doing well Carlos8f. I saw you were having some living situation troubles recently. I wish you all of the love and the best of luck in your endeavors.

carlos8f commented 5 years ago

hi @MoonGem ! thanks for the mail. I am confused on several points in your message. Can you clarify? Sounds like a useful lead but I am really only looking for breadcrumbs that "Satoshi" left early on in the Bitcoin history... i.e. before he "left" the scene permanently.

I did some reverse lookup on a IP address

What was the IP address?

associated with the node run that bitcoin moved through

A bitcoin network node you mean? What year are we talking about? What made you interested in the IP address?

it came up to a IRC log online

What do you mean "it came up"? Do you mean you google'd it and you got an IRC log, or do you mean the IRC server was actually hosted at that IP address?

some guys using some NSA crypto lib (or purchasing it) from someone for the bitcoin project.

What was the name of the crypto lib? And why would the bitcoin project want anything to do with the NSA?

As I noted in my blog post about PGP/NSA/Satoshi on, "Satoshi N" chose crypto methods that were relatively unconventional and NOT sanctioned by NIST standards. The NIST-sanctioned elliptic curves (and the standards adopted by RSA Security) have been known to contain backdoors and master keys placed by the NSA for mass surveillance as noted by Schneider et. al. What I am interested in is a lead on WHY Satoshi chose the curve he chose, and if this "NSA crypto lib" contains Secp256k1. If it DOES, then it is relevant. If not, then we can safely ignore this.

From wiki:

Secp256k1 was almost never used before Bitcoin became popular, but it is now gaining in popularity due to its several nice properties. Most commonly-used curves have a random structure, but secp256k1 was constructed in a special non-random way which allows for especially efficient computation. As a result, it is often more than 30% faster than other curves if the implementation is sufficiently optimized. Also, unlike the popular NIST curves, secp256k1's constants were selected in a predictable way, which significantly reduces the possibility that the curve's creator inserted any sort of backdoor into the curve.

One guy was actually asian/japanese and appeared to run the operation, and would pass PGP encrypted messages from one IRC group to another like a jailhouse flipping bits to make sure it was randomized a bit.

OK, first off, Satoshi is most definitely NOT asian/Japanese (just check the writing style and follow the breadcrumb trail and it does not lead to any Japanese websites or Japanese writing whatsoever). I will not go into detail since I believe I know his actual identity.

Second, if this supposed "Satoshi" is passing PGP messages back and forth, this is an ANCIENT way of encoding messages. There are much better, more modern ways of secure communication and it's highly doubtful that Satoshi would ever touch PGP for actual communication. The fact that we have Satoshi's PGP key on file is pretty much academic. Satoshi was never known to use PGP except for once or twice.

I wish you all of the love and the best of luck in your endeavors.

Thank you so much. Peace and love to you, too.

xluxeq commented 5 years ago

I did some reverse lookup on a IP address

What was the IP address?

associated with the node run that bitcoin moved through

A bitcoin network node you mean? What year are we talking about? What made you interested in the IP address?

it came up to a IRC log online

What do you mean "it came up"? Do you mean you google'd it and you got an IRC log, or do you mean the IRC server was actually hosted at that IP address?

I was doing some googling around, and that server happened to pop up in a list of the original bitcoin nodes. It was hosted at that actual IP. It makes me think of some if the nodes from the original bitcoin project are still out there, not only that but if you could centralize the location from the list. But that makes me think that something is centered around the tor project. Trying to do a lot of analysis on it, and code.. The code reminds me of yours a lot. Probably all that zenbot = 3 !

But overall, probably someone definitely that thinks more in a photographic memory sense. Really, I don't know. Stuff like holomorphic encryption, maybe something stemming from being anti-government. Snowden going down around the same time, russia intercepting the NSA with a VPN~ 2008 or so.,, putting together encrypted packets between VPNs makes me think of that's what they wanted, but they had tor. Maybe had some financial issues or an idea of what scale banking looked like. I don't think it's craig, but I think way someone maybe heavy in the energy industry born in the early 90s, late 80s. Maybe had some siblings. Who knows. I don't think it's craig though, but he does sort of suit the personality.

They might have been following quantum computing closely though. Almost without a doubt.

Maybe knew of half-life, half-life 2 hacks, and then development stemmed from being sketched of computer hacking.

So think like this guy -> asciilifeform

A lot of things draw me there. Like september 11th, hl2 rootkits, big energy industry, outsmarting one another. Connecting two points to the maximum extent. It reminds me of my own childhood dreams a bit.

The site's also been archived since around september 2011.*/

The site mentions power lines, which really reminds me of connecting two points securely a lot. Much like my vpn code, where it would just hash every packet since the first to create a new hash.

The site is run by this guy: Where he mentions QC.

It would be difficult to assume he was russian or american or spanish or any real country's nationality., this Peter Zotov guy. I mean speaking english since 2011 on the archive. But you could also want a large cover as well. Who knows. Throwing out fake data to spark conspiracy. It makes the other stuff about the copyright claims kind of null, and to be honestly outright hackerish. I really don't know. But that's really my dead end. Look what happened to the "satoshi" that was living in a chinese hotel as well. If the other guy getting sued for these copyright claims are true, really if they are both wrong. I'd rather kick back and enjoy watching the guilty people claim ownership of the crap.

If I had to take my best absolute guess, it would be you, your friend, then that asciilifeform guy, and this peter guy. I don't think it was one person sort of. The code seems so uniquely devised it's on a whole different level. And I think that's how a lot of codes are written and devised.. Always very internationally cooperative in groups.

Also thanks russia for whatever that election stuff was about. And I need more inductive chargers.