carloscinelli / sensemakr

Suite of sensitivity analysis tools for OLS
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How to manually provide data for benchmark covariates? #48

Closed sharifamlani closed 3 years ago

sharifamlani commented 3 years ago

My model requires me to adjust for cluster standard errors. I use the coeftest function in R to do this. Unfortunately, the object created by the coeftest function is not compatible with the model argument in sensemakr. Thankfully, the estimate, se, and dof can be inputted manually into the sensemakr function.

However, I do not see a way to input the benchmark covariates manually? How can I input the benchmark covariates manually into the sensemakr function?

carloscinelli commented 3 years ago

Hi Sharif, I answered by e-mail but will also include the answer here for future reference.

For the benchmark covariate Xj, you will need to provide the partial R2 of Xj both with the treatment D and the outcome Y.

That is, there are two arguments:

You can see an example of how to do that in the software paper, page 18.