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Linux进程之间的通信-信号量(System V) #15

Open carloscn opened 2 years ago

carloscn commented 2 years ago

Linux进程之间的通信-信号量(System V and POSIX IPC)

IPC(Inter-Process Communication,进程间通讯)包含三种通信方式,信号量、共享内存和消息队列。在linux编程里面可以有两个不同的标准,一个是SYSTEM-V标准,一个是POSIX标准。以下是两个标准之间的区别[^1]。简单的说,POSIX更轻量,常面向于线程;SYSTEM-V更重一些,需要深陷Linux内核之中,面向于进程。


Following table lists the differences between System V IPC and POSIX IPC[^2].

AT & T introduced (1983) three new forms of IPC facilities namely message queues, shared memory, and semaphores. Portable Operating System Interface standards specified by IEEE to define application programming interface (API). POSIX covers all the three forms of IPC
SYSTEM V IPC covers all the IPC mechanisms viz., pipes, named pipes, message queues, signals, semaphores, and shared memory. It also covers socket and Unix Domain sockets. Almost all the basic concepts are the same as System V. It only differs with the interface
Shared Memory Interface Calls shmget(), shmat(), shmdt(), shmctl() Shared Memory Interface Calls shm_open(), mmap(), shm_unlink()
Message Queue Interface Calls msgget(), msgsnd(), msgrcv(), msgctl() Message Queue Interface Calls mq_open(), mq_send(), mq_receive(), mq_unlink()
Semaphore Interface Calls semget(), semop(), semctl() Semaphore Interface Calls Named Semaphores sem_open(), sem_close(), sem_unlink(), sem_post(), sem_wait(), sem_trywait(), sem_timedwait(), sem_getvalue() Unnamed or Memory based semaphores sem_init(), sem_post(), sem_wait(), sem_getvalue(),sem_destroy()
Uses keys and identifiers to identify the IPC objects. Uses names and file descriptors to identify IPC objects
NA POSIX Message Queues can be monitored using select(), poll() and epoll APIs
Offers msgctl() call Provides functions (mq_getattr() and mq_setattr()) either to access or set attributes 11. IPC - System V & POSIX
NA Multi-thread safe. Covers thread synchronization functions such as mutex locks, conditional variables, read-write locks, etc.
NA Offers few notification features for message queues (such as mq_notify())
Requires system calls such as shmctl(), commands (ipcs, ipcrm) to perform status/control operations. Shared memory objects can be examined and manipulated using system calls such as fstat(), fchmod()
The size of a System V shared memory segment is fixed at the time of creation (via shmget()) We can use ftruncate() to adjust the size of the underlying object, and then re-create the mapping using munmap() and mmap() (or the Linux-specific mremap())


  • 随进程持续 (Process-Persistent IPC)

    • IPC对象一直存在,直到最后拥有他的进程被关闭为止,典型的IPC有pipes(管道)和FIFOs(先进先出对象)

    • Pipe, FIFO, Posix的mutex(互斥锁), condition variable(条件变量), read-write lock(读写锁),memory-based semaphore(基于内存的信号量) 以及 fcntl record lock,TCP和UDP套接字,Unix domain socket

  • 随内核持续 (Kernel-Persistent IPC)

    • IPC对象一直存在直到内核被重启或者对象被显式关闭为止,在Unix中这种对象有System V 消息队列,信号量,共享内存。(注意Posix消息队列,信号量和共享内存被要求为至少是内核持续的,但是也有可能是文件持续的,这样看系统的具体实现)。
    • Posix的message queue(消息队列), named semaphore(命名信号量), System V Message queue, semaphore, shared memory。
  • 随文件系统持续 (FileSystem-Persistent IPC)

    • 除非IPC对象被显式删除,否则IPC对象会一直保持(即使内核才重启了也是会留着的)。如果Posix消息队列,信号量,和共享内存都是用内存映射文件的方法,那么这些IPC都有着这样的属性。
    • 要注意的是,虽然上面所列的IPC并没有随文件系统的,但是我们就像我们刚才所说的那样,Posix IPC可能会跟着系统具体实现而不同(具有不同的持续性),举个例子,写入文件肯定是一个文件系统持续性的操作,但是通常来说IPC不会这样实现。很少有IPC会实现文件系统持续,因为这会降低性能,不符合IPC的设计初衷。

System V IPC不是随进程持续的,是随内核持续的。

上面是摘录的,下面谈下我的理解:我们在Linux编程里面,关于线程可以使用pthread_mutex, spinlock这些工具,这些工具都是在一个进程中的,守护的是进程内部的资源,因此作者提到随进程持续的概念;而两个无关进程之间对于访问同一个资源,比如文件,也是可能会有临界区,只是相比于进程内部的临界区,扩展到了系统内部的临界区,因此这里有随内核持续的概念。这也是为什么POSIX是一个轻量级的常用于线程的,而System V IPC是一个深陷内核的常用于进程的标准。我相信IPC在进程层级和线程层级既有相似的点也有不同的点。

2. 信号量

Linux-用户空间-多线程与同步^14中,引用了sem_xxx()的接口,根据上面的信息我们也可以知道这是POSIX IPC的接口。我们在那个文章中并没有阐述信号量和spinlock的区别,在网上大多数人只谈论到信号量和锁之间的用法上的区别,或者是意义上的区别。我这里想更进一步的解释信号量的实现和锁是有差别的。还有pthread_xxx里面的spinlock和内核的spinlock理念是一样的,但是调度完全不一样,pthread_xxx的可以关注这个实验^14

System V中提供的信号量接口更通用相比于POSIX标准的信号量[^15]。我们从后面的API介绍上面可以看出,system V中的提供的信号量接口是非常复杂和繁琐的,虽然接口少,但是标识符,标志位特别多,而且里面定义了很多自己的结构体的结构,甚至出现了变长参数。根据文献[^15],我们大分部使用的都是二进制的信号量,但我相信,这些接口都不是白给的,肯定有更多的使用场景,可能需要以后工作情景上面进行挖掘了。

2.1 APIs

2.1.1 semctl[^16]

semctl() performs the control operation specified by cmd on the System V semaphore set identified by semid, or on the semnum-th semaphore of that set. (The semaphores in a set are numbered starting at 0.)

#include <sys/sem.h>

int semctl(int semid, int semnum, int cmd, ...);


Params I/O Details
int semid Input semid是由semget接口返回的标识符
int semnum Input sem_num参数是信号量的编号,当需要用到成组的信号量时候,就需要合格参数,一般取值为0,表示这是一个也是唯一一个信号量。
int cmd Input 将要采取动作,参考宏定义SETVAL, IPC_RMID, IPC_SET
... Input 为一个union结构体,根据X/OPEN规范的定义包含 val, buf, array


根据cmd不同,返回值也不同。对于 SETVAL和IPC_RMID而言,成功时返回0,失败时返回-1。

2.1.2 semget[^17]


The semget() system call returns the System V semaphore set identifier associated with the argument key. It may be used either to obtain the identifier of a previously created semaphore set (when semflg is zero and key does not have the value IPC_PRIVATE), or to create a new set.

A new set of nsems semaphores is created if key has the value IPC_PRIVATE or if no existing semaphore set is associated with key and IPC_CREAT is specified in semflg.

If semflg specifies both IPC_CREAT and IPC_EXCL and a semaphore set already exists for key, then semget() fails with errno set to EEXIST. (This is analogous to the effect of the combination O_CREAT | O_EXCL for open(2).)

#include <sys/sem.h>

int semget(key_t key, int nsems, int semflg);


Params I/O Details
key_t key Input 不相关的进程可以通过它访问同一个信号量。程序对所有的信号量访问都是间接的,先提供个key,接着系统生成一个对应的信号量标识符,只有semget函数直接使用key,其他的函数都适用semget返回的值。
int nsems Input 指定需要的信号量数目,它几乎总是1
int semflg Input 一组标识,和open类似,低9bit该信号的权限。可以通过联合使用IPC_CREAT和IPC_EXCL来确保创建一个新的,唯一的信号量。如果该信号量已经存在,则返回一个错误。



2.1.3 semop[^18]


semop() performs operations on selected semaphores in the set indicated by semid. Each of the nsops elements in the array pointed to by sops is a structure that specifies an operation to be performed on a single semaphore. The elements of this structure are of type struct sembuf, containing the following members:

#include <sys/sem.h>

struct sembuf {
  unsigned short sem_num;  /* semaphore number */
    short          sem_op;   /* semaphore operation */
    short          sem_flg;  /* operation flags */

int semop(int semid, struct sembuf *sops, size_t nsops);
int semtimedop(int semid, struct sembuf *sops, size_t nsops,
               const struct timespec *timeout);    // _GNU_SOURCE


Params I/O Details
nt semid Input semid是由semget接口返回的标识符
struct sembuf* sops Input sem_num:信号量编号,一般取值为0,除非使用一组信号;sem_op:一次操作中需要改变的数值,+1为V操作,-1为P操作;sem_flg:通常被设置为SEM_UNDO,将使得操作系统跟踪当前进程对这个信号量的使用情况,如果一个进程没有释放该信号量终止,操作系统将自动释放进程持有的信号量。如果对信号量没有特殊要求,记得将sem_flg设置为SEM_UNDO,如果决定使用一个非SEM_UNDO的值,那就一定要注意保持设置的一致性,否则会搞不清楚内核在进程退出的时候是否清理信号。
size_t nsops Input nsops elements in the array pointed to by sops is a structure that specifies an operation to be performed on a single semaphore.


On successful completion, the sempid value for each semaphore specified in the array pointed to by sops is set to the caller's process ID.

2.2 Example

根据文献[^15]提供的示例,完成使用System V级别的信号量,创建简单的二进制信号量,满足以下条件:

关于semun.h请参考, MACOS里面自带了定义,但是在Ubuntu和ARM-Linux上面并没有这个定义。

这里还要说一下,因为是使用的系统上的资源竞争(同一个文件),因此必须使用System V级别的信号量才能完成,而posix提供的同步的信号量的内存都是存在一个进程里面的。

这个例子划分 写入文件十次为一个临界区。

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>

#define debug_log printf("%s:%d--", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);printf

#if defined(__linux__)
union semun {                   /* Used in calls to semctl() */
    int                 val;
    struct semid_ds *   buf;
    unsigned short *    array;
#if defined(__linux__)
    struct seminfo *    __buf;

static int set_semvalue(int sem_id)
    int ret = 0;
    union semun su;
    su.val = 1;
    ret = semctl(sem_id, 0, SETVAL, su);
    if (ret != 0) {
        debug_log("failed on semctl, ret = %d\n", ret);
        goto finish;
    return ret;

static void del_semvalue(int sem_id)
    int ret = 0;
    union semun su;
    ret = semctl(sem_id, 0, IPC_RMID, su);
    if (ret != 0) {
        debug_log("failed on semctl, ret = %d\n", ret);

static int sem_p(int sem_id)
    struct sembuf sem_b;
    int ret = 0;

    sem_b.sem_num = 0;
    sem_b.sem_op = -1;  /* P() */
    sem_b.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
    ret = semop(sem_id, &sem_b, 1);
    if (ret != 0) {
        debug_log("semop failed, ret = %d\n", ret);
    return ret;

static int sem_v(int sem_id)
    struct sembuf sem_b;
    int ret = 0;

    sem_b.sem_num = 0;
    sem_b.sem_op = 1;  /* V() */
    sem_b.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
    ret = semop(sem_id, &sem_b, 1);
    if (ret != 0) {
        debug_log("semop failed, ret = %d\n", ret);
    return ret;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i, ret;
    char op_chars[20];
    FILE *fd = NULL;
    int count = 0;
    int sem_id = 0;

    fd = fopen("common.txt", "a+");
    if (NULL == fd) {
        debug_log("failed on fopen\n");
        goto finish1;
    sem_id = semget((key_t)1234, 1, 0666|IPC_CREAT);

    if (sem_id < 0) {
        debug_log("failed on semget\n");
        goto finish2;

    if (argc > 1) {
        strcpy(op_chars, "111111111\n");
        debug_log("op char will write 1 to common.txt\n");
        ret = set_semvalue(sem_id);
        if (ret != 0) {
            debug_log("set_semvalue failed\n");
            goto finish2;
    } else {
        strcpy(op_chars, "000000000\n");
        debug_log("op char will write 0 to common.txt\n");

    debug_log("start write file.....\n");
    ret = sem_p(sem_id);
    if (ret != 0) {
        debug_log("failed on sem_p\n");
        goto finish3;
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        ret = fwrite(op_chars, 1, strlen(op_chars), fd);
        if (ret < 0) {
            debug_log("failed on fwrite\n");
            goto finish3;
        count += ret;
        debug_log("write 10 bytes to file. total = %d\n", count);
    ret = sem_v(sem_id);
    if (ret != 0) {
        debug_log("failed on sem_v\n");

    if (argc > 1) {
        // it is very important for another process using the semvalue.
        debug_log("hold process .... 20s\n");
    debug_log("finish test...\n");
    return ret;

$ rm -rf common.txt

$ ./test_sem.elf 1

$ ./test_sem.elf



[^1]: System V IPC vs POSIX IPC - Stack Overflow [^2]:System V & Posix ( [^3]:UNIX 进程间通讯(IPC)概念(Posix,System V IPC) [^4]:临界区互斥实现:Dekker互斥算法 - 知乎 (

[^6]:如何更好理解Peterson算法? - 知乎 ( [^7]: Peterson算法 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ( [^8]: Szymanski算法 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ( [^9]: Lamport面包店算法 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ( [^10]: 一文搞懂 | Linux 同步管理(上) [^11]: ARM WFI和WFE指令 [^12]:06_ARMv8_指令集_一些重要的指令 · Issue #12 · carloscn/blog (

[^15]:[Linux系统编程(第四版)- page490]() [^16]:archlinux man page - semctl ↩ [^17]:archlinux man page - semget ↩ [^18]:archlinux man page - semop

carloscn commented 2 years ago