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写作:难忘的野外烧烤 (The Unforgottable BBQ in the Wild) #141

Open carloscn opened 1 week ago

carloscn commented 1 week ago









carloscn commented 1 week ago

The Unforgottable BBQ in the Wild

金秋十月,桂花飘香,我们一家开始了一年只有一次的登山活动。 Our family annually holds the activity climbing mountains on the golden fall. On October of this year, accompanied the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus, it was a great choice to perform the annual family plan in this season.

In the golden month of October, with the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus in the air, our family embarked on our annual mountain climbing activity.


We had been going to climb the ShenNong Mountain, but unfortunately, the scenic spot informed us that they had to limit the number of visitors as the increasing number of tourists exceeded the upper pressure limit of their cableway, so we had to change another new plan. Just then, it occurred to my father, and he said with excitement, "Why don't we have a BBQ in this cool season? There is no better idea than roasting the mutton and corn. How about this new idea?"

We had planned to climb ShenNong Mountain, but shortly after leaving home, we received news that the scenic area was limiting visitors due to the excessive number of tourist, which had overwhelmed the cableway. Disappointed, we had to cancel our clmbling plans. Just then, it occurred to my father, and his eyes lit up, and he excitedly suggested, "Why don't we have a BBQ instead? Roasting mutton and corn in the cool autumn breeze sounds like a great idea. What do you think?"


"That sounds great!" The disappointment of ShenNong Mountain climbing was cleared by my father's idea, while the excitement of my mom and I was raised again. After we had backed home as quickly as a gust of wind, my parents found a roasting grill and a box of carbon, while I dug out my aircraft model. We had no sooner settled down than went to the behind of the ShenNong mountain and were going to grill the BBQ, enjoying the leisure time in this cool autumn.

"That sounds fantasitc!" My mother's and my excitement was reignited by my father's suggestion, and the dispointment of not climbing ShenNong Mountain quickly faded. We rushed back home like a gust of wind, grabbed the BBQ grill and charcoal, and I also fetched my model aircraft. We headed to the backside of ShenNong Mountain, ready to enjoy a BBQ while savoring the cool and refreshing autumn day.


I looked around and noticed that there were not only fewer people but also that the scenery was no less impressive than the front side of the mountain. Tall peaks stood majestically, touching the clouds. In the blue sky, a few playful clouds floated by, sometimes hiding behind the mountain, sometimes quietly emerging to wave at us. The maple leaves, swaying in the autumn breeze, had begun to turn red. They scattered among the lush green bushes, looking as vibrant and beautiful as blooming flowers.

这时,爸爸已经把烧烤架支了起来,木炭也烧的通红。老爸正准备把新鲜的玉米放到烤架上,我一个箭步冲了上来,一把抢过了玉米,自信地说道:“这个我会烤,让我来烤吧!” 我先是把玉米厚厚的“衣服”脱掉了,然后就直接放到烤架上去烤,一边还翻滚着。不一会儿,金黄的玉米变的焦黄时,我以为可以吃了,就着急地拿了起来,狠狠地吹了几口凉气,张开大口一嘴咬了下去。“呸呸,怎么里边还是生的?”一旁的爸爸妈妈看着我的狼狈样忍不住哈哈大笑起来!

By then, my father had already set up the BBQ grill, and the charcoal was glowing red. Just as he was about to place a fresh ear of corn onto the grill, I dashed and snatched it, confidently saying, "I can roast it well, let me do it!" First, I stripped off the thick husk from the corn and then placed it directly on the grill, turning it occasionally. For a short while, when the corn had turned golden brown, I thought it was ready to eat. Eagerly, I grabbed it, blew on it a few times to cool it down, and took a big bite. "Yuck! Why it is cooked on the outside but still raw inside!" My parents, seeing my predicament, couldn't help but burst into laughter!

By the time, my father set up the BBQ grill and charcoal turned to red. As soon as my father had put a stick of corn onto the grill, we at once rushed beside my father and snatched the corn, saying with the confidence. "I'm able to roast the corn, let me make it!". At first, I put off the outermost thick cloth of the corn, then roasted it directly over the open fire, sometimes flipying. After a while, when the surface of the corn had turned to golden, I thought it was eatable, so I fectched it from the grill quickly, blowing cool wind heavily, opening the mouth to bite it. "Why is it outer cooked but inner raw?" My mother and father looked mess me and could not bear to laugh at me.


My father came over, chunckling, and said, "Look at you! you can't handle it, can you? Let me do it!" I watched as he grabbed a fresh ear of corn, still in its husk, and placed it directly on the grill. Once the husk was charred black, he removed the corn from the grill and peeled off the burnt hust. To my surprise, the corn inside was golden yellow and steaming hot. But he wasn't finished yet! He placed the corn back to the grill, brushed it with a little oil, and spinkled it with salt and cumin powder. The result was a perfectly roasted corn, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, emitting a mouthwatering aroma.

My father came over, chuckling, and said, "Look at you, you can't handle it, can you? Let me do it." I watched as he grabbed a fresh ear of corn, still in its husk, and placed it directly on the grill. Once the husk was charred black, he removed the corn from the grill and peeled off the burnt husk. To my surprise, the corn inside was golden yellow and steaming hot. But he wasn't finished yet! He placed the corn back on the grill, brushed it with a little oil, and sprinkled it with salt and cumin powder. The result was a perfectly roasted corn, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, emitting a mouthwatering aroma. I took a bite, and it was incredibly fresh and flavorful!


Looking at the red maple leaves covering the mountain, eating delicious roasted corn, and enjoying the cool autumn breeze, our family couldn't help but be completely immersed in the moment.

Looked all over the mountain's red maple leaves, ate delicious roasted corn, and enjoyed the cool autumn breeze, our family couldn't help to immerse in the scenery.

carloscn commented 1 day ago