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写作:我的家乡(My Hometown) #147

Open carloscn opened 1 month ago

carloscn commented 1 month ago



My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fishand rice.


But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town.


Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.


In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there.


The streets have been widened. factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theaters have sprung up one after another.


The life of the people is greatly improved. I love my hometown and all the people there.


They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.


carloscn commented 1 month ago

carloscn commented 1 month ago

In my memory, I think of the white snow covering the world when it comes to my hometown. That is true, I was born in a place with a complete winter. Now, I have left my hometown and am working in a big city where in contrast with my hometown, it nearly hasn't been a winter, strictly speaking, it is not a complete winter due to the snow absence. It is difficult for me to get an opportunity to back to my hometown because it is so remote. How can I describe it? Every time I backed to my hometown like going abroad, generally I have to spend at least five hours on the airplane. However, I usually miss my hometown, remember my childhood, imagine playing with my childhood partner, and feel the time back to my childhood, especially in my hard times. I sometimes envy my ever classmates who then selected to left hometown or near the hometown to find a common job after we graduated, but sometimes I think the selection of staying in a big city to find big opportunity should be the life belonging to our young people.

In my memory, my hometown is blanketed in white snow. That’s because I was born in a place with a true winter. Now, I have left my hometown and am working in a big city where, in contrast, winter is hardly recognizable. Strictly speaking, it’s not a complete winter due to the absence of snow. It’s difficult for me to find an opportunity to return to my hometown because it’s so remote. How can I describe it? Every time I go back, it feels like traveling abroad; I usually have to spend at least five hours on a plane.

Despite this, I often miss my hometown. I reminisce about my childhood, imagining playing with my childhood friends, and feeling as if time has taken me back to those days, especially during hard times. I sometimes envy my former classmates who chose to stay in or near our hometown to find ordinary jobs after we graduated. However, I also believe that seeking opportunities in a big city is the path for young people.

carloscn commented 1 month ago

In 2021, the last winter vacation in my master's graduation, the COVID-19 plague was outbroken into the world with a serious situation. All plans including the thesis defense, graduation trip, and employment onboarding were disturbed by the unexpected plague, informed by the government, we had to be limited staying at our home and our university has forcibly been forbidden school starts by the government controls. My anxiety was increasing with the number of people having COVID-19 infections because could not bear the all out of control. The winter vacation seemed to be the longest period I had ever before since I had graduated from high school. However, I could not enjoy it soundly. One afternoon, I was lying on the bed, looking at the blue sky and a few floating clouds slowly moving. It seemed like I hadn't looked at the sky so quietly for a long time. Things like graduation, employment onboarding, and graduation trips were always around me, and I was not able to tackle them well due to objective resistance.

In 2021, during the last winter vacation before my master's graduation, the COVID-19 pandemic broke out worldwide, creating a serious situation. All my plans, including my thesis defense, graduation trip, and job onboarding, were disrupted by the unexpected pandemic. Following government directives, we had to stay at home, and our university was forcibly closed by the authorities. My anxiety grew with the increasing number of COVID-19 infections, as I felt everything was spiraling out of control. That winter vacation seemed to be the longest period since I graduated from high school, but I couldn't enjoy it at all.

One afternoon, I was lying on my bed, looking at the blue sky and the slowly drifting clouds. It seemed like I hadn't looked at the sky so peacefully for a long time. Thoughts about graduation, job onboarding, and graduation trips were constantly on my mind, and I couldn't manage them well due to the external circumstances.