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203_Please send me a card #20

Open carloscn opened 7 months ago

carloscn commented 7 months ago


Postcards always spoil[^1] my holidays. Last summer. I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat[^2] in public[^3] gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few[^4] words of Italian. Then he lent me a book. I read[^5] a few lines, but I didn't understand a word[^6]. Every day I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly. But I didn't send any postcards to my friends. On[^7] the last day, I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven postcards. I spent the whole[^8] day in my room, but I didn't write a single card!

[^1]: spoil / spoiled or spoilt vt. 使索然无味,还有溺爱的意思。 Some parents spoil their babies. [^2]: sit / sat / sat 坐下 [^3]: public adj.公共的。 in public 公然 / in the public 在公共场合 / the public 公众的 [^4]: a few 有一些, few 几乎没有 [^5]: read 的过去式在书写形式上是read,但是读音是 /red/ [^6]: = don't understand any words. [^7]: 具体到某一天的时间 用on [^8]: whole 读音同hole

carloscn commented 7 months ago





  1. Make for 意义:"make for"通常表示“导致”、“走向”或“有利于”。 介词使用:在这个短语中,“for”是固定搭配的一部分,不需要根据宾语变化。

  2. Lend to 意义:"lend"意味着“借出”。 介词使用: “to”用来指示借出物品的接收方。 例句:I lent my book to John.(我把我的书借给了约翰。)

  3. Borrow from 意义:"borrow"意味着“借入”。 介词使用: “from”用来指示借入物品的来源。 例句:I borrowed a pen from Sarah.(我从萨拉那里借了一支笔。)


理解动词与介词的固定搭配:许多动词与特定介词形成固定搭配,这些搭配需要被记住作为整体。 注意动词的语义角色:介词的选择通常反映了动词的语义角色,例如动作的方向(to)、来源(from)、目的(for)等。 实践和接触真实语料:通过阅读、听力和实践,你会逐渐习得各种动词与介词的搭配。 查阅可靠的语法和用法指南:当不确定时,查阅权威的英语语法书或在线资源可以帮助你理解特定动词和介词的正确使用。