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211_One Good Turn Deserves Another #31

Open carloscn opened 6 months ago

carloscn commented 6 months ago

One Good Turn Deserves Another

I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in. Tony worked in[^7] a lawyer's office years ago, but he is now working at[^7] a bank[^1]. He gets a good salary[^2], but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays[^3] it back. He saw me and came and sat at the same table[^4]. He has never borrowed money from me. While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. 'I have never borrowed any[^5] money from you.' Tony said, "so now you can pay for my dinner!" [^6]

[^1]: bank 库 | 充电宝 power bank [^2]: Salary 按月的工资(脑力) | Wage 零工的工资,不固定的(体力) [^3]: pay it back = repay [^4]: at the table在桌子旁,at table (有抽象的含义,在吃饭) [^5]: any用在否定句中 I don't have any money. [^6]: notorios 臭名昭著的 [^7]: 这里请注意一个是work in,一个是work at,请参考语言点。

carloscn commented 6 months ago

语言点:work in和work at

在英语中,"work in" 和 "work at" 都可以用来描述某人的工作地点或工作领域,但它们在使用时有细微的差别:

  1. Work in 通常用来指某人在某个领域或行业工作。它强调的是工作性质或所属行业的一部分,而不特指某个具体的地点或组织。

    • 例如:"Tony worked in a lawyer's office years ago" 暗示托尼过去在律师行业(或者说律师办公室这种环境)工作,强调的是律师这个行业或领域。
  2. Work at 通常用于指在某个具体的地点、组织或机构工作。它强调的是具体的工作地点或所在的机构。

    • 例如:"he is now working at a bank" 指他现在在一家银行工作,这里强调的是具体的工作地点——银行。

在这句话中,"worked in a lawyer's office" 使用 "in" 来强调托尼之前在律师行业(或办公室这种场所)的工作,而 "working at a bank" 使用 "at" 来指出他现在的工作是在一家具体的银行进行的。这种用法反映了英语中对于工作领域与具体工作地点表述的细微区别。

简而言之,选择 "in" 或 "at" 取决于你想强调的是工作的领域/行业还是具体的工作地点/组织。