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214_Do You Speak English #37

Open carloscn opened 4 months ago

carloscn commented 4 months ago

Do You Speak English

I had an amusing experience last year. After I had^2 left a small village in the south of Franch, I drove^2 on[^1] to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me to give him a lift[^4]. As soon as he got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied to me in the same language. Apart from a few words, I do not know[^3] any French at all. Neither[^6] of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said very slowly, "Do you speak English." As[^5] I soon learned, he was English himself!

[^1]: 这句话中使用 "drove on to the next town" 而不是简单的 "drove to the next town",是为了添加额外的含义和细节到动作上。"Drove on" 暗示了除了简单的移动到下一个城镇之外,还有继续前进或持续驾驶的意味。它可以传达出行者在达到目的地之前已经在路上行驶了一段时间,或者他们经过了一些地方后继续前往下一个目的地。简而言之,"drove on" 强调了行动的持续性和前进的过程,而不仅仅是起点到终点的单一行动。

[^3]: 注意这里的时态,用的一般现在时, 表示作者直到现在的状态都是不懂法语。 [^4]: a lift, a ride, hitchhike 都是搭便车的意思 [^5]: 这里的as代替后面整个句子, 相当于which,I soon learned which he was English himself. As 放在句子首就是代替which的作用。 [^6]: Neither of = sb both didn't do sth. 同义句: The young man and I both didn't speak during the journey.

carloscn commented 4 months ago



1. 比较(作为连词)


2. 原因(作为连词)


3. 时间(作为连词)


4. 身份/角色(作为介词)


5. 方式(作为副词或介词)


6. 代词(作为介词)


7. 按照(作为介词)

