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写作:A story: Mountain climbing #39

Open carloscn opened 3 months ago

carloscn commented 3 months ago

A story: Mountain climbing


上周日,天气非常的好,艳阳高照,没有一朵云彩。小红邀请我去南山街道爬山,虽然我有点累,但是因为这是小红第一次邀请我,我也有点不好意思拒绝,因此我就答应了小红的邀请。我们约好在午饭之后在北山公交车站见面,然后坐公交车到黑山公园的山脚下。吃过午饭之后,我简单的洗漱了一下,然后装上三瓶水、一块巧克力、还有一些零食到包里面,换上登山鞋。为了避免蚊虫,我换上了长裤,即便会很热,但总比被蚊虫叮咬要好得多。到了北山公交车站,我发现小红已经等了我很久了。她今天穿着一身运动装,戴着一个粉色的帽子。我们寒暄了一会儿。公交车很快就来了,我们上车开始了这趟爬山的旅程。 这真是一个好偏僻的地方,公交车走了10站。到了山脚下,我们就开始准备登山了。下午的阳光非常强,所以非常的热。我们一边爬山一边聊最近热点的新闻。大概爬了800m的高度,我们就到了山顶。我们坐在地上,看着森林的美景。我和小红从包里面拿出相机拍摄这些美丽的景色。

carloscn commented 3 months ago

hard write

Last Sunday, it was exceptionally nice weather, the sun shining brightly without any clouds. Xiaohong invited me to climb the mountain on Nanshan Street. Although I felt a bit tired recently, I accepted her invitation since I was embarrassed to refuse her, it was the first time she had asked me. We agreed to meet at the bus station in Beishan. After lunch, I simply freshened, then put three bottles of water, chocolates, and some snacks into my bag. I dug out my hiking boots. To avoid biting by bugs, I decided to wear long pants, although I prefer avoiding biting to feeling hot. When I reached the bus station of the Beishan, I saw Xiaohong had been waiting for me for a while. She was wearing a suit of sports dress with a pink hat. While we greeting, the bus arrived quickly. We got on the bus and started our climbing trip. The destination was so secluded and far that the bus needed to drive 10 stations. When we reached the foot of the mountain, we prepared to start climbing. It was so hot because of the strong sun shining. While we climbing, we discussed the latest news topics. We arrived at the top of the mountain after we climbed over about 800 meters. We sat down on the playground and saw the scenery of the forest. Both Xiaohong and I took the cameras from our bags and took photos.

carloscn commented 3 months ago


Last Sunday, the weather was exceptionally nice, with the sun shining brightly and not a cloud in sight. Xiaohong invited me to climb the mountain on Nanshan Street. Although I was a bit tired, since it was the first time Xiaohong had invited me, I felt a bit embarrassed to refuse, so I accepted her invitation. We agreed to meet at the bus station in Beishan after lunch, then take the bus to the foot of the mountain at Heishan Park. After lunch, I quickly freshened up, then packed three bottles of water, a bar of chocolate, and some snacks into my bag and put on my hiking boots. To avoid insect bites, I opted for long pants, even though it would be much hotter, but it's better than being bitten by bugs. When I arrived at the Beishan bus station, I found Xiaohong had been waiting for me for quite some time. She was dressed in sportswear today, complete with a pink hat. We exchanged greetings for a while, and soon the bus arrived, beginning our mountain climbing journey. It was indeed a secluded place, with the bus going through 10 stops. Upon reaching the foot of the mountain, we started our ascent. The afternoon sun was very strong, making it extremely hot. As we climbed, we talked about recent hot news topics. After climbing to an altitude of about 800 meters, we reached the summit. We sat on the ground, gazing at the beautiful scenery of the forest. Xiaohong and I took out our cameras from our bags to capture these beautiful sights.

carloscn commented 3 months ago



Last Sunday, it was exceptionally nice weather, the sun shining brightly without any clouds. Last Sunday, the weather was exceptionally nice, with the sun shining brightly and not a cloud in sight.


Xiaohong invited me to climb the mountain on Nanshan Street. Xiaohong invited me to climb the mountain on Nanshan Street.


Although I felt a bit tired recently, I accepted her invitation since I was embarrassed to refuse her, it was the first time she had asked me. Although I was a bit tired, since it was the first time Xiaohong had invited me, I felt a bit embarrassed to refuse, so I accepted her invitation.


We agreed to meet at the bus station in Beishan, and then we would take a bus to Dark Mountain Park near the foot of the mountain. We agreed to meet at the bus station in Beishan after lunch, then take the bus to the foot of the mountain at Heishan Park.


After lunch, I simply freshened, then put three bottles of water, chocolates, and some snacks into my bag.I dug out my hiking boots.


To avoid being bitten by bugs, I decided to wear long pants, although I prefer avoiding biting to feeling hot.


When I reached the bus station of Beishan, I saw Xiaohong had been waiting for me for a while. When I arrived at the bus station of Beishan, I found Xiaohong had been waiting for me for quite some time.


She was wearing a suit of sports dress with a pink hat. She was dressed in sportwear today, complete with a pink hat.


While we were greeting, the bus arrived quickly. We got on the bus and started our climbing trip. We exchanged greetings for a while, and soon the bus arrived, beginning our mountain climbing journey.


The destination was so secluded and far that the bus needed to drive 10 stations.


When we reached the foot of the mountain, we prepared to start climbing. Upon reaching the foot of the mountain, we started our ascent.


It was so hot because of the strong sun shining. The afternoon sun was very strong, making it extremely hot.


While we were climbing, we discussed the latest news topics. As we climbed, we talked about recent hot news topics.


We arrived at the top of the mountain after we climbed over about 800 meters. After climbing to an altitude of about 800 meters, we reached the summit.


We sat down on the playground and saw the scenery of the forest. We sat on the ground, gazing at the beautiful scenery of the forest.


Both Xiaohong and I took the cameras from our bags and took photos. Xiaohong and I took out the cameras from our bags to capture these beautiful sights.

carloscn commented 3 months ago


ascent secluded summit scenery gaze