carloscuesta / gitmoji-cli

A gitmoji interactive cli tool for using emojis on commits. 💻
MIT License
4.63k stars 206 forks source link

Fetch gitmoji list manually? #418

Closed yihengli closed 4 years ago

yihengli commented 4 years ago

Hello @carloscuesta!

Issue: Due to a company proxy issue, my linux environment cannot directly run gitmoji -u, with a typical timeout error. However, I can wget, thus I tried to directly download the gitmojis.json file and put it under .gitmoji folder under home.

Then I still got into troubles to run gitmoji -l

TypeError: gitmojis.forEach is not a function

wondering if there is way that people can directly install from local json emojis.

OS: linux gitmoji -v: 3.2.6 Node version: 14.5

carloscuesta commented 4 years ago

Hello @yihengli

That's weird 🤔

If you saved the .gitmoji/gitmojis.json file at your ~ directory it should be working.

Let's try something, open up a terminal and execute the following command:

$ node 

After the node shell comes in just type


Make sure the .gitmoji folder is inside of that directory!

yihengli commented 4 years ago

Yes, the node's os.homedir() gave me /home/USER

I also confirmed the json is put at /home/USER/.gitmoji/gitmojis.json

carloscuesta commented 4 years ago

What permissions have the .gitmoji folder and gitmojis.json file ?

carloscuesta commented 4 years ago

I figured out the problem.

If you take a look at the getEmojis function, you'll see that we're saving the data.gitmojis on the gitmojis.json file

This means you don't need to copy the whole contents that come from

You need to copy the array without the object, like this:

      "emoji": "🎨",
      "entity": "🎨",
      "code": ":art:",
      "description": "Improving structure / format of the code.",
      "name": "art"
      "emoji": "⚡️",
      "entity": "⚡",
      "code": ":zap:",
      "description": "Improving performance.",
      "name": "zap"
      "emoji": "🔥",
      "entity": "🔥",
      "code": ":fire:",
      "description": "Removing code or files.",
      "name": "fire"
      "emoji": "🐛",
      "entity": "🐛",
      "code": ":bug:",
      "description": "Fixing a bug.",
      "name": "bug"
      "emoji": "🚑",
      "entity": "🚑",
      "code": ":ambulance:",
      "description": "Critical hotfix.",
      "name": "ambulance"
      "emoji": "✨",
      "entity": "✨",
      "code": ":sparkles:",
      "description": "Introducing new features.",
      "name": "sparkles"
      "emoji": "📝",
      "entity": "📝",
      "code": ":pencil:",
      "description": "Writing docs.",
      "name": "pencil"
      "emoji": "🚀",
      "entity": "🚀",
      "code": ":rocket:",
      "description": "Deploying stuff.",
      "name": "rocket"
      "emoji": "💄",
      "entity": "&#ff99cc;",
      "code": ":lipstick:",
      "description": "Adding or updating the UI and style files.",
      "name": "lipstick"
      "emoji": "🎉",
      "entity": "🎉",
      "code": ":tada:",
      "description": "Beginning a project.",
      "name": "tada"
      "emoji": "✅",
      "entity": "✅",
      "code": ":white_check_mark:",
      "description": "Adding or updating tests.",
      "name": "white-check-mark"
      "emoji": "🔒",
      "entity": "🔒",
      "code": ":lock:",
      "description": "Fixing security issues.",
      "name": "lock"
      "emoji": "🔖",
      "entity": "🔖",
      "code": ":bookmark:",
      "description": "Releasing / Version tags.",
      "name": "bookmark"
      "emoji": "🚨",
      "entity": "🚨",
      "code": ":rotating_light:",
      "description": "Removing linter warnings.",
      "name": "rotating-light"
      "emoji": "🚧",
      "entity": "🚧",
      "code": ":construction:",
      "description": "Work in progress.",
      "name": "construction"
      "emoji": "💚",
      "entity": "💚",
      "code": ":green_heart:",
      "description": "Fixing CI Build.",
      "name": "green-heart"
      "emoji": "⬇️",
      "entity": "⬇️",
      "code": ":arrow_down:",
      "description": "Downgrading dependencies.",
      "name": "arrow-down"
      "emoji": "⬆️",
      "entity": "⬆️",
      "code": ":arrow_up:",
      "description": "Upgrading dependencies.",
      "name": "arrow-up"
      "emoji": "📌",
      "entity": "📌",
      "code": ":pushpin:",
      "description": "Pinning dependencies to specific versions.",
      "name": "pushpin"
      "emoji": "👷",
      "entity": "👷",
      "code": ":construction_worker:",
      "description": "Adding or updating CI build system.",
      "name": "construction-worker"
      "emoji": "📈",
      "entity": "📈",
      "code": ":chart_with_upwards_trend:",
      "description": "Adding or updating analytics or tracking code.",
      "name": "chart-with-upwards-trend"
      "emoji": "♻️",
      "entity": "♲",
      "code": ":recycle:",
      "description": "Refactoring code.",
      "name": "recycle"
      "emoji": "➕",
      "entity": "➕",
      "code": ":heavy_plus_sign:",
      "description": "Adding a dependency.",
      "name": "heavy-plus-sign"
      "emoji": "➖",
      "entity": "➖",
      "code": ":heavy_minus_sign:",
      "description": "Removing a dependency.",
      "name": "heavy-minus-sign"
      "emoji": "🔧",
      "entity": "🔧",
      "code": ":wrench:",
      "description": "Adding or updating configuration files.",
      "name": "wrench"
      "emoji": "🔨",
      "entity": "🔨",
      "code": ":hammer:",
      "description": "Adding or updating build scripts.",
      "name": "hammer"
      "emoji": "🌐",
      "entity": "🌐",
      "code": ":globe_with_meridians:",
      "description": "Internationalization and localization.",
      "name": "globe-with-meridians"
      "emoji": "✏️",
      "entity": "",
      "code": ":pencil2:",
      "description": "Fixing typos.",
      "name": "pencil2"
      "emoji": "💩",
      "entity": "",
      "code": ":poop:",
      "description": "Writing bad code that needs to be improved.",
      "name": "poop"
      "emoji": "⏪",
      "entity": "⏪",
      "code": ":rewind:",
      "description": "Reverting changes.",
      "name": "rewind"
      "emoji": "🔀",
      "entity": "🔀",
      "code": ":twisted_rightwards_arrows:",
      "description": "Merging branches.",
      "name": "twisted-rightwards-arrows"
      "emoji": "📦",
      "entity": "&#1F4E6;",
      "code": ":package:",
      "description": "Adding or updating compiled files or packages.",
      "name": "package"
      "emoji": "👽",
      "entity": "&#1F47D;",
      "code": ":alien:",
      "description": "Updating code due to external API changes.",
      "name": "alien"
      "emoji": "🚚",
      "entity": "&#1F69A;",
      "code": ":truck:",
      "description": "Moving or renaming files.",
      "name": "truck"
      "emoji": "📄",
      "entity": "&#1F4C4;",
      "code": ":page_facing_up:",
      "description": "Adding or updating license.",
      "name": "page-facing-up"
      "emoji": "💥",
      "entity": "💥",
      "code": ":boom:",
      "description": "Introducing breaking changes.",
      "name": "boom"
      "emoji": "🍱",
      "entity": "&#1F371",
      "code": ":bento:",
      "description": "Adding or updating assets.",
      "name": "bento"
      "emoji": "♿️",
      "entity": "♿",
      "code": ":wheelchair:",
      "description": "Improving accessibility.",
      "name": "wheelchair"
      "emoji": "💡",
      "entity": "💡",
      "code": ":bulb:",
      "description": "Adding or updating comments in source code.",
      "name": "bulb"
      "emoji": "🍻",
      "entity": "🍻",
      "code": ":beers:",
      "description": "Writing code drunkenly.",
      "name": "beers"
      "emoji": "💬",
      "entity": "💬",
      "code": ":speech_balloon:",
      "description": "Adding or updating text and literals.",
      "name": "speech-balloon"
      "emoji": "🗃",
      "entity": "🗃",
      "code": ":card_file_box:",
      "description": "Performing database related changes.",
      "name": "card-file-box"
      "emoji": "🔊",
      "entity": "🔊",
      "code": ":loud_sound:",
      "description": "Adding or updating logs.",
      "name": "loud-sound"
      "emoji": "🔇",
      "entity": "🔇",
      "code": ":mute:",
      "description": "Removing logs.",
      "name": "mute"
      "emoji": "👥",
      "entity": "👥",
      "code": ":busts_in_silhouette:",
      "description": "Adding or updating contributor(s).",
      "name": "busts-in-silhouette"
      "emoji": "🚸",
      "entity": "🚸",
      "code": ":children_crossing:",
      "description": "Improving user experience / usability.",
      "name": "children-crossing"
      "emoji": "🏗",
      "entity": "&#1f3d7;",
      "code": ":building_construction:",
      "description": "Making architectural changes.",
      "name": "building-construction"
      "emoji": "📱",
      "entity": "📱",
      "code": ":iphone:",
      "description": "Working on responsive design.",
      "name": "iphone"
      "emoji": "🤡",
      "entity": "🤡",
      "code": ":clown_face:",
      "description": "Mocking things.",
      "name": "clown-face"
      "emoji": "🥚",
      "entity": "🥚",
      "code": ":egg:",
      "description": "Adding or updating an easter egg.",
      "name": "egg"
      "emoji": "🙈",
      "entity": "&#8bdfe7;",
      "code": ":see_no_evil:",
      "description": "Adding or updating a .gitignore file",
      "name": "see-no-evil"
      "emoji": "📸",
      "entity": "📸",
      "code": ":camera_flash:",
      "description": "Adding or updating snapshots",
      "name": "camera-flash"
      "emoji": "⚗",
      "entity": "📸",
      "code": ":alembic:",
      "description": "Experimenting new things",
      "name": "alembic"
      "emoji": "🔍",
      "entity": "🔍",
      "code": ":mag:",
      "description": "Improving SEO",
      "name": "mag"
      "emoji": "🏷️",
      "entity": "🏷",
      "code": ":label:",
      "description": "Adding or updating types (Flow, TypeScript)",
      "name": "label"
      "emoji": "🌱",
      "entity": "🌱",
      "code": ":seedling:",
      "description": "Adding or updating seed files",
      "name": "seedling"
      "emoji": "🚩",
      "entity": "🚩",
      "code": ":triangular_flag_on_post:",
      "description": "Adding, updating, or removing feature flags",
      "name": "triangular-flag-on-post"
      "emoji": "🥅",
      "entity": "🥅",
      "code": ":goal_net:",
      "description": "Catching errors",
      "name": "goal-net"
      "emoji": "💫",
      "entity": "💫",
      "code": ":dizzy:",
      "description": "Adding or updating animations and transitions",
      "name": "animation"
      "emoji": "🗑",
      "entity": "🗑",
      "code": ":wastebasket:",
      "description": "Deprecating code that needs to be cleaned up.",
      "name": "wastebasket"
yihengli commented 4 years ago

This worked, thanks!