carloscuesta / gitmoji

An emoji guide for your commit messages. 😜
MIT License
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✨ Make a cheatsheet style list #314

Closed szepeviktor closed 3 years ago

szepeviktor commented 5 years ago

It would be nice to have a visually smaller list on the website.

Emoji Code Commit type
:art: :art: Improving structure / format of the code.
:zap: :zap: Improving performance.
:fire: :fire: Removing code or files.
:bug: :bug: Fixing a bug.
:ambulance: :ambulance: Critical hotfix.
:sparkles: :sparkles: Introducing new features.
:pencil: :pencil: Writing docs.
:rocket: :rocket: Deploying stuff.
:lipstick: :lipstick: Updating the UI and style files.
:tada: :tada: Initial commit.
:white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: Updating tests.
:lock: :lock: Fixing security issues.
:apple: :apple: Fixing something on macOS.
:penguin: :penguin: Fixing something on Linux.
:checkered_flag: :checkered_flag: Fixing something on Windows.
:robot: :robot: Fixing something on Android.
:green_apple: :green_apple: Fixing something on iOS.
:bookmark: :bookmark: Releasing / Version tags.
:rotating_light: :rotating_light: Removing linter warnings.
:construction: :construction: Work in progress.
:green_heart: :green_heart: Fixing CI Build.
:arrow_down: :arrow_down: Downgrading dependencies.
:arrow_up: :arrow_up: Upgrading dependencies.
:pushpin: :pushpin: Pinning dependencies to specific versions.
:construction_worker: :construction_worker: Adding CI build system.
:chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend: Adding analytics or tracking code.
:recycle: :recycle: Refactoring code.
:whale: :whale: Work about Docker.
:heavy_plus_sign: :heavy_plus_sign: Adding a dependency.
:heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign: Removing a dependency.
:wrench: :wrench: Changing configuration files.
:globe_with_meridians: :globe_with_meridians: Internationalization and localization.
:pencil2: :pencil2: Fixing typos.
:poop: :poop: Writing bad code that needs to be improved.
:rewind: :rewind: Reverting changes.
:twisted_rightwards_arrows: :twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merging branches.
:package: :package: Updating compiled files or packages.
:alien: :alien: Updating code due to external API changes.
:truck: :truck: Moving or renaming files.
:page_facing_up: :page_facing_up: Adding or updating license.
:boom: :boom: Introducing breaking changes.
:bento: :bento: Adding or updating assets.
:ok_hand: :ok_hand: Updating code due to code review changes.
:wheelchair: :wheelchair: Improving accessibility.
:bulb: :bulb: Documenting source code.
:beers: :beers: Writing code drunkenly.
:speech_balloon: :speech_balloon: Updating text and literals.
:card_file_box: :card_file_box: Performing database related changes.
:loud_sound: :loud_sound: Adding logs.
:mute: :mute: Removing logs.
:busts_in_silhouette: :busts_in_silhouette: Adding contributor(s).
:children_crossing: :children_crossing: Improving user experience / usability.
:building_construction: :building_construction: Making architectural changes.
:iphone: :iphone: Working on responsive design.
:clown_face: :clown_face: Mocking things.
:egg: :egg: Adding an easter egg.
:see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: Adding or updating a .gitignore file
:camera_flash: :camera_flash: Adding or updating snapshots
:alembic: :alembic: Experimenting new things
:mag: :mag: Improving SEO
:wheel_of_dharma: :wheel_of_dharma: Work about Kubernetes
:label: :label: Adding or updating types (Flow, TypeScript)
szepeviktor commented 5 years ago
wget -qO- | jq -r '.gitmojis[] | "| \(.code) | `\(.code)` | \(.description) |"'
johannchopin commented 4 years ago

Is the website not minimal enough concerning the presentation of the gitmojis? πŸ€”

vhoyer commented 4 years ago

Well, whenever I'm looking at files in the file explorer, I tend to use details mode because I like to search for things line by line, and if they are on a grid it makes it kinda uncomfortable for me :sweat_smile: so I see the point.

It's not a matter of minimalism, it's a matter of scanning, I think :thinking:... @szepeviktor, could you comment on the reasoning behind this request?

szepeviktor commented 4 years ago

The website is 6 pages in my 1200Γ—1200 browser window. I'd like to see all gitmojis on the screen at the same time. Like a cheatsheet.

johannchopin commented 4 years ago

Ok I see, maybe just a toggle Button for 'grid' or 'raw' mode will do the job πŸ€”

vhoyer commented 4 years ago

@johannchopin, wanna have a project to organize this tasks?

johannchopin commented 4 years ago

@vhoyer Never use before but yeah looks amazing πŸ‘

johannchopin commented 4 years ago

What do you think about this type of layout? πŸ€”


vhoyer commented 4 years ago

What do you think about this type of layout?


I think the table is super cute and I like it, but this does not takes the advantage of the wide screen OP mentioned, maybe we could add a media query to separate the "table" in two columns :D, what d'you think?

johannchopin commented 4 years ago

@vhoyer Yes great idea I opened a WIP PR #453 for this layout πŸ‘