I have tried to run a simple make deploy. First problem was my GOPATH was blank (even though the golang was installed). After that was fixed, I needed to actually run make vendor before I could even consider running make deploy. I also needed to add my GOPATH/bin directory to path as it did not find gojsontoyaml otherwise
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
Error I was solving:
$ make deploy
Installing jsonnet
rm -rf manifests
./scripts/build.sh main.jsonnet /home/xzy/cluster-monitoring/bin/jsonnet
using jsonnet from arg
+ set -o pipefail
+ rm -rf manifests
+ mkdir manifests
+ /home/xyz/cluster-monitoring/bin/jsonnet -J vendor -m manifests main.jsonnet
+ xargs '-I{}' sh -c 'cat {} | gojsontoyaml > {}.yaml; rm -f {}' -- '{}'
RUNTIME ERROR: couldn't open import "kube-prometheus/kube-prometheus.libsonnet": no match locally or in the Jsonnet library paths
main.jsonnet:12:13-63 thunk <kp> from <$>
<std>:1268:24-25 thunk from <function <anonymous>>
<std>:1268:5-33 function <anonymous>
main.jsonnet:30:64-99 $
During evaluation
make: *** [Makefile:12: manifests] Error 1
I have tried to run a simple
make deploy
. First problem was my GOPATH was blank (even though the golang was installed). After that was fixed, I needed to actually runmake vendor
before I could even consider runningmake deploy
. I also needed to add my GOPATH/bin directory to path as it did not find gojsontoyaml otherwiseexport PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
Error I was solving: