carlosmaniero / patrocina-rodeios

Lista empresas envolvidas com rodeios
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Vegan Developers of the world, unite! #17

Open carlosmaniero opened 6 years ago

carlosmaniero commented 6 years ago

I've talked to some developers about the future of this application. This is just a list of companies that sponsors rodeos. I think that the most part of us want to have an easy way to check if a company or product is vegan or not. I really want it too.

I have a lot of ideas, but is needed much time to develop them and I'm realy worried if is this possible. At this point I need to talk about this project and my thoughts about how can we improve it.

  1. It's important to make the application to work with portuguese and english. #16
  2. This is just a static application wrote in Elm that consumes some static json files. The first step is to provide a readonly back-end. #15
  3. Create a shareable button with a default message to encourage people to share it and demand some attention of the companies' social media.

At this point the application is still without an administration dashboard and all the data is inserted manually. After this we could:

  1. Add the kind of animal exporation the company does.
  2. Remodelling the application to say if the company is either vegan or not.

And working with products may be done in the future because I think that it's not possible to work with these data without a dashboard.

I'm realy excited and I need some ideas of this product evolution and development. I want to move this project to an organization. Names could be sugested here.

This is a free space to talk about the animal cause. Feel free to talk about other projects and how we can help.