carlosmccosta / Currency-Recognition

Augmented reality currency recognition
MIT License
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How to train it for other currencies? #1

Open andro-galexy opened 7 years ago

andro-galexy commented 7 years ago

The code is awesome, am from India and I would like to know how i can train this repo , to recognise indian RUPEE with the same accuracy as that of for euro banknotes.

carlosmccosta commented 7 years ago

Good morning :)

For recognizing other currencies you need to update the image database and its metadata that is in this folder:

The euro database uses 3 levels of resolution for improving recognition results. Also, each image has a bitmask that informs the system in which regions of the image it should look for keypoints. Finally, the list of train and test images is specified in these text files:

In the listCurrencyDB.txt, each line has information about: filename | currency value | color for drawing banknote border in RGB

More info about database setup:

Have a nice day :)

andro-galexy commented 7 years ago

Thanks, for this issue, also am not good in c++, I know python better, so would it be feasible to convert this code in python.

carlosmccosta commented 7 years ago

Good morning,

I don't have time for porting this project to python. But it would be straight forward / easy task.

P.S. OpenCV is implemented in C++ because it offers much more efficient runtime code and is easy to maintain / evolve. As such, if you plan to use OpenCV i suggest you use C++. It's an easy language to learn and the time you would invest in learning it would pay off if you are implementing real time systems.

Have a nice day :)

mobyIsMe commented 7 years ago

Hi, Carlos Miguel Correia da Costa: After reading the conversation between you two, so all I have to do is change the database :images of the currency I need complied to the according formats? Is this right? I don‘t understand What the metadata means, please help Me,Thanks.

carlosmccosta commented 7 years ago

Good morning,

The database contains the images of the banknotes in 3 different resolutions (currencyDB_mediumResolution, currencyDB_lowResolution, currencyDB_veryLowResolution). The 3 folders are stored here:

The metadata is information attached to the database images, such as:

1 - The bitmasks for selecting the areas in which the keypoints will be searched in each database image (present in the 3 folders that I mentioned earlier, in which every image [name].png has a mask with filename [name]_mask.png - each pair of image and mask must have the same image resolution)

2 - The file which specifies the banknotes images to load (from the 3 folders I mentioned earlier) for building the recognition database, along with their currency value: Each line provides information about: image filename | currency value | color for drawing banknote border in RGB

3 - The file that specifies the test images that will be used to evaluate the recognition system: which will be loaded from this folder:

4 - An image with acceptable banknote shapes in different perspectives (for computing the contour aspect ratio and circularity for filtering the recognition results):

For more info please read:

Have a nice day :)

mobyIsMe commented 7 years ago

Thanks. Do u think this could be integrated to a model and converted into the coreML SDK of iOS 11 developed by Apple? I am trying doing this king of thing: a currency recognition app in iOS with coreML SDK.

Have a nice day :)

carlosmccosta commented 7 years ago

Good afternoon,

Since OpenCV is supported in iOS it should be straightforward to integrate the approach I developed.

The core of my recognition system relies on the findHomography function of OpenCV:

It seems coreML also has similar functionality available:

You could start by testing the vision modules of coreML and see if they are enough for what you are trying to achieve:

Have a nice day :)

mobyIsMe commented 7 years ago

Thanks very much,I will try it.

mobyIsMe commented 7 years ago

Hi, I have tried the vision api u suggested before, I input two images which are very similar to each other, and I got this matrix like this: (matrix_float3x3) matrix = { columns = { [0] = (0.843727767, -0.130427986, -0.000717610063, 0) [1] = (-0.00714870868, 0.965400338, 0.000267642288, 0) [2] = (5.10606575, -0.413659096, 0.934999823, 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000140129846) } }

Besides, I input two images which are not similar, I got this result: (matrix_float3x3) matrix = { columns = { [0] = (0.843611419, 0.11978922, 0.000843094138, 0) [1] = (0.131927058, 1.27364492, 0.00245486898, 0) [2] = (-17.330986, -63.8090439, 0.454459071, 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000140129846) }

Could u give me some tips about this results? Here is the code about how I use the vision API:

` -( matrix_float3x3)predictWithVisionFromImage:(UIImage )imageTarget toReferenceImage:(UIImage)imageRefer{

UIImage *scaledImageTarget = [imageTarget scaleToSize:CGSizeMake(224, 224)];
CVPixelBufferRef bufferTarget = [imageTarget pixelBufferFromCGImage:scaledImageTarget];
UIImage *scaledImageRefer = [imageRefer scaleToSize:CGSizeMake(224, 224)];
CVPixelBufferRef bufferRefer = [imageRefer pixelBufferFromCGImage:scaledImageRefer];

VNHomographicImageRegistrationRequest* request = [[VNHomographicImageRegistrationRequest alloc]initWithTargetedCVPixelBuffer:bufferTarget completionHandler:nil];

VNHomographicImageRegistrationRequest* imageRequest = (VNHomographicImageRegistrationRequest*)request;
VNImageRequestHandler* handler = [[VNImageRequestHandler alloc]initWithCVPixelBuffer:bufferRefer options:@{}];
[handler performRequests:@[imageRequest] error:nil];
NSArray* resultsArr = imageRequest.results;
VNImageHomographicAlignmentObservation* firstObservation = [resultsArr firstObject];
return firstObservation.warpTransform;

} ` there are two images: target image and reference image, this function is designed to calculate the similarity between they two, and result is displayed in the form of matrix.

carlosmccosta commented 7 years ago

Good morning,

The matrix returned is an homography that maps pixels in one image to the other. It can be used to compute the contour of your banknote. For example, if the reference image is a banknote occupying all your image in a front view, then you can use the homography to perform a perspective transform and find where the 4 reference image corners are in the other image (which could have been captured with your smartphone camera, for example).


More info:

Have a nice day :)

mobyIsMe commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot. I am also trying the deep learning algorithm doing this. What is the recognition accuracy with your methods?

carlosmccosta commented 7 years ago

Good morning,

In the testing database with 80 images the system managed to correctly identify all of them. If a unique section of a banknote is visible, it is very likely that it will be recognized correctly.

Have a nice day :)