carlossg / docker-maven

Official Docker image with Maven
Apache License 2.0
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set default user to non-root #460

Open lkwg82 opened 3 months ago

lkwg82 commented 3 months ago

Runs the container as user different from root for security reasons.


carlossg commented 3 months ago

thanks, this was brought up previously with the Docker official images maintainers and the answer was to keep the default user as root, unfortunately I cannot find the issue where this was brought up

lkwg82 commented 3 months ago

Here it is:

This would mean any user runs as root or need to inherit from this image to run as non-root.

What about to make it secure by default and open to run as root? (inverse the current behaviour + docs)

carlossg commented 2 months ago

this comment here from official images mantainers

lkwg82 commented 2 months ago

Hmm. Do you think of ur image rather a base image or an enduser image?

When you answer base image, I would offer to add an non-root image besides your base image.

carlossg commented 2 months ago

it is a base image, I could add a nonroot image, but would need to somehow be generated as I don't want to maintain 2x the images

jglick commented 1 month ago

Is there already some parameterization system in place which might allow this repo to publish an alternate set of tags that would switch to a nonroot user?

As it stands, this image is ~hard~ less than obvious how to use directly in a CI system which for example enforces K8s PSA at the restricted level. In Jenkins (edit as of

podTemplate(yaml: '''
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  - name: maven
    image: maven
    - sleep
    - infinity
      runAsUser: 1000
    - name: MAVEN_OPTS
      value: -Duser.home=/home/jenkins/agent
''') {
    node(POD_LABEL) {
        git ''
        container('maven') {
            sh 'mvn -B -ntp compile'

or if you prefer

podTemplate(containers: [containerTemplate(name: 'maven', image: 'maven', command: 'sleep', args: 'infinity', runAsUser: '1000', envVars: [envVar(key: 'MAVEN_OPTS', value: '-Duser.home=/home/jenkins/agent')])]) {
    // … as before
carlossg commented 1 month ago

There is some code generation here

Would need something to create new dies for the nonroot variants