carlosvegap / capstone-kickoff

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show changes when user rates experience #86

Closed CarLosVegga closed 1 year ago

CarLosVegga commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone!

I realized I was not displaying the result of the statistics until the user reloads the page. So I decided to implement that as soon as the rating is confirmed.


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I was previously using the objectId and the place_id as interchangeable. However, I realized that by doing that, my algorithm was not detecting new ratings to claimedRestaurants. In that sense, I decided to change it all to objectId when it comes to get metrics on an experience,


I also included the objectId for the merged objects to be that one that is in Back4app, I decided to catch those experiences with less than 5 preferences here, as well as include an objectId for the restaurants from GoogleAPI: the place_id


The biggest change in here corresponds to calculateNewMeanReviews, where I basically, according to the existing and submitting review values, I calculate what the new mean for the feedback will be so that by submitting it, it will update it.