carlsmith / quran

📖 The Open Quran Project | Quran Translation Meets Free Software
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New Members: Introduce Yourself #1

Open carlsmith opened 8 years ago

carlsmith commented 8 years ago


Welcome to The Open Quran Project (OQ). Please introduce yourself in a comment below.

If you any have questions about the project, it's generally best to open a new issue. This project treats the issue tracker just like a forum. You are welcome to open an issue to discuss anything relevant to the project, including general discussion of the Quran, translating the Quran and understanding the Quran.

Bender-Li commented 8 years ago


Just to say Hi, and to wish you the best.

Salaam, Bender from freeminds forum

carlsmith commented 8 years ago

Hey @Bender-Li

Salaam. Sorry I didn't see this till now. Just started a new job, so been a bit busy with that too. Hope you are well.

I've just invited a few people from FM to join us here, and have posted something publicly to invite the community to join too. Hopefully, we'll get a decent sized group together.

carlsmith commented 8 years ago

Welll, no one else came over, but I have a few people who have contacted me privately. There's about five of us. I think using GitHub is a bit off-putting for non-programmers. I've started a new job, and still have health issues, and a young family, so haven't had a lot of bandwidth. It's a shame. FM is a mess.

sabanyboy commented 8 years ago

Dear friends, Assalaamu Alaykum I'm glad you set this up. Free-thinking should be a socially responsible process of stimulating thought and generally advancing our common understanding instead of random personal intellectual titillation. I am ready to contribute in whatever way possible. Please see an example of my writing here .

carlsmith commented 8 years ago

Hi @sabanyboy - This never really panned out. It's a shame, but it's unlikely we will be able to get this off the ground. I will still work on the translation, but it will be in sporadic bursts. Collaborators are very welcome.
