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Noninteractive format windows #5

Closed jackgoffinet closed 3 years ago

jackgoffinet commented 3 years ago

In the current master branch formatWindows.m pulls up three separate pop-up windows asking for user input. In order to automate the pipeline more and run things easily on the command line, I made a non-interactive version by adding some extra arguments to formatWindows. Pop-up windows still come up if you provide fewer input arguments.

Running on the command line looks like this:

$ matlab -batch "formatWindows('myTestFile.mat', false, '~/Desktop/exp_dir', '~/Desktop/exp_dir/channel_info.xlsx', 1000, 20); exit;"

where 1000 is the samplerate and 20 is the window duration.

@eaogorman , could you review this?

jackgoffinet commented 3 years ago

It looks like prior to MATLAB R2019, you have to replace the -batch flag with -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r.