tryToDeactivate() should not be called on behaviors that are in the activableBehaviors list of a morph.
However, there is no mean to make sure this is enforced.
Typing a behavior as "morph activable" would not be such a good idea because some behaviors might be "morphActivable" in some contexts and alternate behaviors in other contexts. For instance, a propulsor morph is "morph activable" in a Propulsor, but it might be alternate in an other morph to handle some explosion recoil.
tryToDeactivate() should not be called on behaviors that are in the activableBehaviors list of a morph. However, there is no mean to make sure this is enforced.
Typing a behavior as "morph activable" would not be such a good idea because some behaviors might be "morphActivable" in some contexts and alternate behaviors in other contexts. For instance, a propulsor morph is "morph activable" in a Propulsor, but it might be alternate in an other morph to handle some explosion recoil.