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Semantic Network of Adposition and Case Supersenses: Annotation Guidelines
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decorated WITH #120

Open esmanning opened 3 years ago

esmanning commented 3 years ago

Then he mopped his forehead with a handkerchief decorated WITH red squares. lpp_14 sent_id = lpp_1943.782

Seems Characteristic-like (a handkerchief WITH red squares), but does that still work when it's modifying the verb "decorated"?

nschneid commented 3 years ago

stative verb expressing a physical/Configurational relation—cf. #113, filled WITH/full OF, etc.

nschneid commented 3 years ago


a handkerchief decorated with red squares = a handkerchief with red squares (that decorate it)

nschneid commented 3 years ago

What if it was dynamic application of a part/property?: I decorated the tree WITH ornaments—Characteristic~Instrument? Are the ornaments part of the tree—PartPortion?

?I used ornaments to decorate the tree. This year I used glass ornaments to decorate the tree.

Instrument becomes incorporated into the result (end state) of the action.

nschneid commented 3 years ago

she was dressed in red

the building was decorated in lights

nschneid commented 3 years ago

In general, if a decoration is alienable does that mean it's more of a property than a part?

attire is Possession, not PartPortion. Likewise we should probably avoid treating alienable decoration on items as PartPortion and instead call it Characteristic.

nschneid commented 3 years ago

Possible distinction between static and dynamic readings:

static "(is) decorated WITH" = plain Characteristic

dynamic "was decorated WITH" = Characteristic~Instrument

aryamanarora commented 3 years ago

Sort of a parallel distinction in Hindi based on transitivity:


X से सजा हुआ X se sajā huā decorated(intrans.) with X

Characteristic~Instrument (since it implies an Agent):

X से सजाया हुआ X se sajāyā huā decorated(trans.) with X

aryamanarora commented 3 years ago

Another example with both static and dynamic readings (that I don't want to open a new issue for). This one is about fictive motion though.

नदी समुंदर तक बहती है The river flows till the ocean.

Could be Goal (if construed as about the present flowing of the river) or Locus~Goal (if a statement about the endpoint of the river). Also note these alternations based on tense/aspect:

nschneid commented 3 years ago

नदी समुंदर तक बहती है The river flows till the ocean.

If both readings are possible I'd go with the more literal one, i.e. Goal.