carmls / snacs-guidelines

Semantic Network of Adposition and Case Supersenses: Annotation Guidelines
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waste one'S time #130

Open esmanning opened 3 years ago

esmanning commented 3 years ago

They waste THEIR time over a rag doll and it becomes very important to them lpp_22 sent_id = lpp_1943.1204

This is treated as Posssessor in the STREUSLE examples currently on Xposition, but would that still work with the current Possessor guidelines? Unsure if someone's time qualifies as a commodity, or something more abstract like "power".

If not Possessor, would it be Theme\~Gestalt (used for a period of life, e.g. 'MY time in grad school'), or just Gestalt?

nschneid commented 3 years ago

The STREUSLE examples on Xposition are out of date—don't trust them. I suggest looking at the .conllulex file in the latest release.

esmanning commented 3 years ago


esmanning commented 3 years ago

Looks like it's still Possessor in the latest release! This would probably be a good thing to clarify in future guidelines.