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Semantic Network of Adposition and Case Supersenses: Annotation Guidelines
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`$ vs. MWE #43

Closed esmanning closed 2 years ago

esmanning commented 4 years ago

New Year 'S resolution

We went with `$ but aren't sure if that's a proper use of the tag. Gestalt and Circumstance were also considered.

nschneid commented 4 years ago

Or Time?

nschneid commented 4 years ago

Another option would be NewYear's as an MWE. I think with the possessive it refers to the observance specifically (presumably from shortening New Year's Eve / Day), as opposed to the new year itself. E.g. on Jan. 1 one could receive a New Year's gift, but not a *New Year gift. And it can stand alone: "Is it New Year's yet?"

This reminds me of the locative genitive ("I went to Kroger's"). In STREUSLE the locative genitive instances are treated as MWEs, though I'm not sure `$ wouldn't be preferable because the pattern is productive. By contrast, most holidays do not take the possessive (*Is it Thanksgiving's yet?). So treating "New Year's" as an MWE does seem justified.

esmanning commented 4 years ago

Somewhat related:

Master 'S Thesis

Similar to New Year's, there's an implicit governor of the possessive (Master's degree), and it can stand alone ("I'm getting a master's")

Works for some other degree type (e.g. Bachelor's) but I don't think it's productive beyond a small set.

MWE? or `$?

nschneid commented 4 years ago

I like MWE for "master's" and "bachelor's", especially since the normal meaning of the noun isn't applicable anyway.

nschneid commented 4 years ago

nschneid commented 4 years ago

NewYear's resolution = resolution for NewYear's. Possessive goes with the entity, not relating "New Year" to "resolution"

master's thesis = thesis for a master's (*master)