carmls / snacs-guidelines

Semantic Network of Adposition and Case Supersenses: Annotation Guidelines
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Locative genitive #50

Open nschneid opened 4 years ago

nschneid commented 4 years ago

reviews-216456-0010 13 POSS 's p.Originator p.Gestalt In one of the emails I attached the letter from the Vet >> 's << that expressed their sympathy , this hotel did nothing .

Note that "Vet" is not a proper name. It's presumably a conventional way of shortening "vet's place/office" (cf. "the doctor's"); essentially a sort of metonymy. Locus? Locus~>Possessor? `$?

nschneid commented 4 years ago

Perhaps related to #43

nschneid commented 4 years ago

"at the vet's"—AT is capturing Locus, not the possessive.

I'm leaning toward `$ because this is a special construction without a normal possessive relation (between two explicit elements, anyway).

nschneid commented 4 years ago

The possessive essentially type-coerces the person referent into a place or institution.

"I'm at John's" = I'm at John's place. "The vet's called" = The vet's office called (not necessarily the vet him/herself).