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Semantic Network of Adposition and Case Supersenses: Annotation Guidelines
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Correspondence sense of FOR? #70

Open nschneid opened 4 years ago

nschneid commented 4 years ago

"Agreement levels are high FOR both datasets." (not the comparative reading, just saying the datasets' agreement levels are high)

Is this the extended use of Topic ('with respect to'/'when it comes to'/'regarding')?

Is it about pinpointing or delimitation (these datasets as opposed to others)?

nschneid commented 4 years ago

I am pondering a label called Applicability which would take some of the burden off Topic (for non-informational relations) and maybe off of Beneficiary as well (“shoes FOR children”).

Would that make sense here? And "They should actually have this mode FOR all the characters" in #60 and atemporal "for each/every" in #1?

nschneid commented 4 years ago

(Is this the same as Focus in the information structure sense?)

nschneid commented 3 years ago

Another (perhaps narrower) term than Applicability could be Correspondent. (Not the journalist kind!)

"Agreement levels are high FOR both datasets" reminds me of Gestalt-like TO in "the key TO the door", "the texture TO the painting" in #44. The non-informational item that something pertains to or goes with. Some of these border on Purpose.

nschneid commented 11 months ago

Currently we are using Gestalt~Purpose but that doesn't feel ideal.

What about Gestalt~SetIteration, as this seems to overlap with "for every" and presupposes that there are multiple items, hence the need to state the correspondence?