I loaded my data in a Seurat object and did some basic filtering
I then loaded the mouse TILs reference and then run the make.projection function
seuratOBJ.proj = make.projection(seuratOBJ, ref = reference, ncores = 20, query.assay = "RNA", scGate_model="mouse")
Below is the output, including errors. what is strange is also that one run worked and a rerun, right after it, with the exact same command and data, fails as below
Can you please help me with this ?
[1] "Using assay RNA for WT_INJ"
Pre-filtering cells with scGate...
[1] "Using assay RNA for WT"
Pre-filtering cells with scGate...
[1] "Using assay RNA for TFGA"
Pre-filtering cells with scGate...
[1] "Using assay RNA for E18.5"
Pre-filtering cells with scGate...
Error: BiocParallel errors
4 remote errors, element index: 1, 2, 3, 4
0 unevaluated and other errors
first remote error:
Error in dplyr::distinct(., .data$name, .data$signature, .keep_all = T): Must use existing variables.
I am testing your package on my mouse data.
I loaded my data in a Seurat object and did some basic filtering
I then loaded the mouse TILs reference and then run the make.projection function seuratOBJ.proj = make.projection(seuratOBJ, ref = reference, ncores = 20, query.assay = "RNA", scGate_model="mouse")
Below is the output, including errors. what is strange is also that one run worked and a rerun, right after it, with the exact same command and data, fails as below Can you please help me with this ? Thanks
[1] "Using assay RNA for WT_INJ" Pre-filtering cells with scGate...
[1] "Using assay RNA for WT" Pre-filtering cells with scGate...
[1] "Using assay RNA for TFGA" Pre-filtering cells with scGate...
[1] "Using assay RNA for E18.5" Pre-filtering cells with scGate...
Error: BiocParallel errors 4 remote errors, element index: 1, 2, 3, 4 0 unevaluated and other errors first remote error: Error in dplyr::distinct(., .data$name, .data$signature, .keep_all = T): Must use existing variables.