~$ addpass.sh --root "mynewroot" --name "My new Site" +user "zeltak" +branch "branch" +custom "foobar" +autotype "branch :tab user :tab pass"
Missing --name option. Try --help
It also gets confused if you have more than to database listed in config like:
~$ addpass.sh --name "My new Site" +user "zeltak" +branch "branch" +custom "foobar" +autotype "branch :tab user :tab pass"
Using database "/home/user/.password-store:/home/user/.password-store-2"
Enter password for entry "My new Site" >
Hi! Firstly, thanks for the awesome tool!
Here is the issue with running the command:
It also gets confused if you have more than to database listed in config like:
It should just choose one.