carolynz / poetry-camera-rpi

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Quick and Easy Poetry Camera Install #6

Open TheDapperGent opened 2 months ago

TheDapperGent commented 2 months ago

This is a quick and easy way to get poetry camera running on a pi. I haven't been able to get the printer to work on a first time install yet so I have left it out of the following guide

In the Termial

sudo raspi.config In Interface options turn serial port on and serial console off In Adavace options turn Glamor on

Install modules needed for poetry camera sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install git cups build-essential libcups2-dev libcupsimage2-dev python3-serial python3-pil python3-unidecode

Install Replicate/DotEnv/OpenAI sudo pip install replicate python-dotenv openai

Install Poetry Camera git clone poetry-camera-rpi

Open the poetry camera rpi folder and create a .env File(If in folder Click on view > Show Hidden Files)

Open .env file to store your 2 api keys needed for poetry camera

Create an OpenAI key at OPENAI_API_KEY = 'Your Key'

Create an Replicate key at REPLICATE_API_TOKEN = 'Your Key'

Save your .env file

open your and set you gpio for the wires connected to the header of the pi a-and-b-physical-pin-numbers

#instantiate buttons
shutter_button = Button(16) # REPLACE WTH YOUR OWN BUTTON PINS
power_button = Button(26, hold_time = 2) #REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN BUTTON PINS
led = LED(20)

In it's current version there is a root file directory call in so you have to add a variable to handle this for now.

open and add the following line of code

#get path for poetry camera folder
home_directory = os.path.expanduser('~') +  "/poetry-camera-rpi/"

then change this metadata = picam2.capture_file('/home/carolynz/CamTest/images/image.jpg')

to this metadata = picam2.capture_file(home_directory + "image.jpg")

and this "image": open("/home/carolynz/CamTest/images/image.jpg", "rb"),

to this "image": open(home_directory + "image.jpg", "rb")

Then run the script in the terminal python

carolynz commented 2 months ago

love it, tysm!

carolynz commented 2 months ago

will incorporate into the main readme