caronc / apprise

Apprise - Push Notifications that work with just about every platform!
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Incomplete APRS plugin documentation #1036

Closed joergschultzelutter closed 9 months ago

joergschultzelutter commented 9 months ago

:mega: Notification Service(s) Impacted: APRS plugin

:lady_beetle: Describe the bug: I've noticed that most of the parameter descriptions did not make it to your local branch, you might want to update your local documentation. For comparison purposes - here's the original documentation and the corresponding markdown text. As you can see, most of the parameters are missing in your master branch's documentation.

Thanks Chris and Happy New 2024! :mega:

## APRS Ham Radio Notifications
* **Source**:
* **Icon Support**: No
* **Message Format**: Text
* **Message Limit**: 67 characters per message

### Account Setup
- You need to be a licensed Ham Radio Operator in order to use this plugin.
- Bring your own APRS-IS passcode. If you don't know what this is or how to get one, then this plugin is not for you.

### Syntax
Valid syntax's are as follows:
* `aprs://{userid}:{password}@{callsign}`
* `aprs://{userid}:{password}@{callsign}?locale={locale_code}`
* `aprs://{userid}:{password}@{callsign1}/{callsign2}/{callsignN}`
* `aprs://{userid}:{password}@{callsign1}/{callsign2}/{callsignN}?locale={locale_code}`

### Parameter Breakdown
| Variable | Required | Description
|----------| -------- | -----------
| `userid`   | Yes      | Your APRS call sign. This is the call sign that will send the message.
| `password` | Yes      | Numeric APRS passcode, corresponding to `userid`. Read-only access to APRS-IS (`passcode == -1`) is not supported.
| `callsign` | Yes      | One or more Amateur Radio target call sign(s) is/are required to send a notification.
| `locale`   | No       | Your nearest APRS-IS T2 server locale, see []( Valid values: `NOAM`, `SOAM`, `EURO`, `AUNZ`, `ASIA`. Alternatively, select `ROTA` for `` in case you do not want to target a specific APRS server locale. Default is `EURO`. Only specify the locale's short code; the plugin will then map the actual server URL respectively.

## Constraints

* APRS control characters (`{}|~`, [see APRS101.pdf chapter 14 pg. 71]( will be removed from the message body if present.
* If your message exceeds 67 characters, the plugin will automatically truncate the content to APRS's maximum message length
* For messages, it is recommended to stick to the English alphabet as APRS is limited to ASCII 7-bit. The plugin will try to "translate" any UTF-8 message to plain ASCII with the help of the [unidecode]( module - but there will be no guarantee that the output is going to be usable. 
* This plugin DOES honor call sign SSID's, meaning that e.g. targets DF1JSL-1 and DF1JSL-9 are NOT identical and will result in two APRS messages. 
* All messages generated by this plugin are going to lack an APRS message ID ([see APRS101.pdf chapter 14 pg. 71]( As the plugin's communication with APRS-IS is unidirectional, Apprise will be unable to honor any APRS ack/rej responses sent by the target call sign (aka the target ham radio device).
* APRS Bulletins ([see APRS101.pdf chapter 14 pg. 73]( are not supported.
* With great (ham radio) power comes great responsibility; do not use this plugin for spamming other ham radio operators. Everything that you send to the APRS-IS server will get broadcasted via the APRS / Ham Radio network.
* In order to gain access to APRS-IS, you need to be a licensed ham radio operator.
* The plugin uses its own APRS device identifier (`APPRIS`; see []( for details). This identifier is unique to each software/device that is allowed to communicate with the APRS network and __must not get modified__ in any way UNLESS you clone this plugin and use its code outside of Apprise - in this case, please request your very own device identifier.
* Additional (technical) constraints: see plugin's header section. Usually, you should not be required to change these settings.

### Example

Send an APRS Notification :

# Assuming our {userid} is df1jsl-15
# Assuming our {password} is 12345
# Assuming our {callsign} - df1jsl-9
# {locale} is not set; using '' as target server default
apprise -vv -b "Test Message Body" \

# Assuming our {userid} is df1jsl-15
# Assuming our {password} is 12345
# Assuming our {callsign}s are - df1jsl-9,df1jsl-8 and df1jsl-7
# {locale} is not set; using '' as target server default
# This will result in three target call signs as the plugin
# is going to honor the call sign's SSID information
apprise -vv -b "Test Message Body" \

# Assuming our {userid} is df1jsl-15
# Assuming our {password} is 12345
# Assuming our {callsign} - df1jsl-9
# Assuming our {locale} is NOAM --> maps server URL to '', see
apprise -vv -b "Test Message Body" \
AkintolaRichard commented 9 months ago

Hi @joergschultzelutter I would love to help solve this issue, with your guidance.

caronc commented 9 months ago

Thank you @joergschultzelutter ; I've updated the wiki based on what you shared.