caronc / apprise

Apprise - Push Notifications that work with just about every platform!
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Attachments are incompatible with S3 Pre-signed URLs #1118

Closed stv0g closed 1 month ago

stv0g commented 2 months ago

I've been trying to deliver notifications using pre-signed URLs for attachments stored in S3.

This is broken as Apprise will mangle the query-string of the URL before fetching it from the S3 server. Hence the signature is invalid and the GET request fails.


Apprise shall not mangle the URL when fetching remote attachments

caronc commented 2 months ago

Can you provide an example? I don't know what is being mangled.

stv0g commented 2 months ago

Sure, here is the relevant part of the log:

09:12:08.764 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool Starting new HTTPS connection (1): localhost:9000
09:12:08.774 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool https://localhost:9000 "GET /seguro/attachments/1bb5d4b5-acc7-4b87-98b9-5aadeb1b4c0f/test.txt?x-amz-security-token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NLZXkiOiJDQjFYODBLVEhEUlIwSEFYRTlHNiIsImF1ZCI6WyJPUEFMLVJUIEdlcm1hbnkgR21iSCJdLCJleHAiOjE3MTQxMTkxMjMsImlzcyI6IlNFR3VSbyBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZSBBdXRob3JpdHkiLCJwYXJlbnQiOiJ0bHM6YWRtaW4iLCJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbiJ9.uIfEn8EKi1OCYl5xDBxUgz13-BBBAdIZET6cHalvC3lacX2aA7fbARA0dS5-pI2ux6573OAjr7Ki9Ky8WJWhYw&x-amz-algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&x-amz-credential=CB1X80KTHDRR0HAXE9G6%2F20240426%2Fminio%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&x-amz-date=20240426T071208Z&x-amz-expires=604800&x-amz-signedheaders=host&x-amz-signature=c55f84cd6f483d5a937297d4428a78fbfeb4c0fbfbc33f5362bc66e1dcca3f5b HTTP/1.1" 403 417
09:12:08.775 ERROR apprise A Connection error occurred retrieving HTTP configuration from localhost.
09:12:08.775 DEBUG apprise Socket Exception: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://localhost:9000/seguro/attachments/1bb5d4b5-acc7-4b87-98b9-5aadeb1b4c0f/test.txt?x-amz-security-token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NLZXkiOiJDQjFYODBLVEhEUlIwSEFYRTlHNiIsImF1ZCI6WyJPUEFMLVJUIEdlcm1hbnkgR21iSCJdLCJleHAiOjE3MTQxMTkxMjMsImlzcyI6IlNFR3VSbyBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZSBBdXRob3JpdHkiLCJwYXJlbnQiOiJ0bHM6YWRtaW4iLCJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbiJ9.uIfEn8EKi1OCYl5xDBxUgz13-BBBAdIZET6cHalvC3lacX2aA7fbARA0dS5-pI2ux6573OAjr7Ki9Ky8WJWhYw&x-amz-algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&x-amz-credential=CB1X80KTHDRR0HAXE9G6%2F20240426%2Fminio%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&x-amz-date=20240426T071208Z&x-amz-expires=604800&x-amz-signedheaders=host&x-amz-signature=c55f84cd6f483d5a937297d4428a78fbfeb4c0fbfbc33f5362bc66e1dcca3f5b
09:12:08.775 ERROR apprise Could not access attachment https://localhost:9000/seguro/attachments/1bb5d4b5-acc7-4b87-98b9-5aadeb1b4c0f/test.txt?rto=4.0&cto=4.0&verify=yes&cache=yes&x-amz-security-token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NLZXkiOiJDQjFYODBLVEhEUlIwSEFYRTlHNiIsImF1ZCI6WyJPUEFMLVJUIEdlcm1hbnkgR21iSCJdLCJleHAiOjE3MTQxMTkxMjMsImlzcyI6IlNFR3VSbyBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZSBBdXRob3JpdHkiLCJwYXJlbnQiOiJ0bHM6YWRtaW4iLCJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbiJ9.uIfEn8EKi1OCYl5xDBxUgz13-BBBAdIZET6cHalvC3lacX2aA7fbARA0dS5-pI2ux6573OAjr7Ki9Ky8WJWhYw&x-amz-algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&x-amz-credential=CB1X80KTHDRR0HAXE9G6%2F20240426%2Fminio%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&x-amz-date=20240426T071208Z&x-amz-expires=604800&x-amz-signedheaders=host&x-amz-signature=c55f84cd6f483d5a937297d4428a78fbfeb4c0fbfbc33f5362bc66e1dcca3f5b.
09:12:08.775 DEBUG apprise HTTP Attachment Fetch URL: https://localhost:9000/seguro/attachments/1bb5d4b5-acc7-4b87-98b9-5aadeb1b4c0f/test.txt (cert_verify=True)
09:12:08.776 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool Starting new HTTPS connection (1): localhost:9000
09:12:08.785 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool https://localhost:9000 "GET /seguro/attachments/1bb5d4b5-acc7-4b87-98b9-5aadeb1b4c0f/test.txt?x-amz-security-token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhY2Nlc3NLZXkiOiJDQjFYODBLVEhEUlIwSEFYRTlHNiIsImF1ZCI6WyJPUEFMLVJUIEdlcm1hbnkgR21iSCJdLCJleHAiOjE3MTQxMTkxMjMsImlzcyI6IlNFR3VSbyBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZSBBdXRob3JpdHkiLCJwYXJlbnQiOiJ0bHM6YWRtaW4iLCJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbiJ9.uIfEn8EKi1OCYl5xDBxUgz13-BBBAdIZET6cHalvC3lacX2aA7fbARA0dS5-pI2ux6573OAjr7Ki9Ky8WJWhYw&x-amz-algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&x-amz-credential=CB1X80KTHDRR0HAXE9G6%2F20240426%2Fminio%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&x-amz-date=20240426T071208Z&x-amz-expires=604800&x-amz-signedheaders=host&x-amz-signature=c55f84cd6f483d5a937297d4428a78fbfeb4c0fbfbc33f5362bc66e1dcca3f5b HTTP/1.1" 403 417

Which shows that the request is made against:


While the URL I requested was:


The main difference I can sport here is the capitalization of the query string arguments.

stv0g commented 2 months ago

I guess this is the culprint:

caronc commented 2 months ago

Got it, this one I'll need to think about this one. I do see what you're talking about though, thank you for pinpointing it so quickly.

caronc commented 2 months ago

Would this work if you use curl instead? I thought the x-amz-security-token would be a header entry, not something on the URL?

If you need to make a query and set the Header, you can alter the kwarg slightly:

# Basically Apprise sets everything to be on the GET URL UNLESS you prefix the entry with a plus '+'
# +key=value will actually get pushed upstream as a header entry

Perhaps this is what you're trying to achive?

stv0g commented 2 months ago

For GET requests they should be passed as query string parameters:

But I think the fact that Apprise's parse_qsd() function is converting all query string argument keys to lowercase is violating the standard:

See: URI RFC 3986 Section Case Normalization

For all URIs, the hexadecimal digits within a percent-encoding triplet (e.g., "%3a" versus "%3A") are case-insensitive and therefore should be normalized to use uppercase letters for the digits A-F.

When a URI uses components of the generic syntax, the component syntax equivalence rules always apply; namely, that the scheme and host are case-insensitive and therefore should be normalized to lowercase. For example, the URI HTTP:// is equivalent to The other generic syntax components are assumed to be case-sensitive unless specifically defined otherwise by the scheme (see Section 6.2.3).

I was also unable to find any HTTP(s) scheme specific URI normalization rules.

I am currently using the following work-around by sub-classing AttachHTTP:

from apprise.attachment.AttachHTTP import AttachHTTP

class FixedAttachHTTP(AttachHTTP):

    def __init__(self, url):

        pr = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
        qs = urllib.parse.parse_qs(pr.query)

        self.qsd = {k: v[0] for k, v in qs.items()}
stv0g commented 2 months ago

Sorry I missed this question:

Would this work if you use curl instead? I thought the x-amz-security-token would be a header entry, not something on the URL?

Yes, taking my original URL from my comment above ( works via CURL and also plain urllib3.request().

Also using my FixedAttachHTTP class from my previous comment fixes the issue.

caronc commented 1 month ago

If you could have a look at the attached PR (there are instructions on how to use it) and let me know if that works for you?

caronc commented 1 month ago

Code merged; will appear in next release - closing ticket