caronc / ha-ultrasync

Interlogix ZeroWire and Hills ComNav (NX-595E) UltraSync Security Panel for Integration for Home Assistant Comunity Store (HACS)
MIT License
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Support for Ultrasync with Aritech ATS x500AIP series #36

Open jnathalia opened 3 months ago

jnathalia commented 3 months ago

Dear @chatziko and maybe others like @caronc,

There are many users having the alarm system of Aritech ATSx500 (like ATS3500) connected with Ultrasync on an iPhone or other. Unfortunately, this Ultrasync integration has been adopted by HA but is not supporting this family of alarm systems. My feeling says, it must be a small issue to get this working, but haven't got the know-how to solve it.

Is there any chance we can somehow cooperate to make this happen? Otherwise the documentation should be changed that it's particularly working for certain alarm systems and not Ultrasync in general...

I hope to hear something of you. Many thanks in advance.

chatziko commented 3 months ago

If you have some experience with python and basic web development and some time to spare it shouldn't be hard to add support for your panel. We could give some pointers to get started, general help, etc. If, on the other hand, you have no programming experience, it's not that easy to add support without access to the panel.

jnathalia commented 3 months ago

python doesn't look complex, but I haven't been using before... I have been programming assembly, Pascal, C, C++, Essbase, TM1, so I'm not totally unknown. I need some guiding on this, but I'm willing to help...!

chatziko commented 3 months ago

Then you should definitely go for it, it will be a fun project, the code is relatively simple.

The place to start is the ultrasync python library. It does all the communication with the panel, and is simple to run and debug, without all the complications of Home Assistant. If you can make the library work, the integration will most likely also work.

So create a config file according to the README, run ultrasync --details, and look at what error you're getting. Likely the UltraSync::login or some other function will fail.

Then you need to manually connect to the Ultrasync web interface from your browser, open the browser's developer tools and check the content of the corresponding http requests to figure out what is different between what you see and what the python libary expects.

Once you figure out the differences, you'll need to add another entry to the NX595EVendor enum, and adapt the code to perform and decode the expected requests when connected to your panel.

caronc commented 3 months ago

What @chatziko said; Don't be afraid to use the ultrasync tool and provide a --debug-dump. This shares with others how your alarm panel is structured so they too can help. Tests cases are built around these dumps as well.

jnathalia commented 3 months ago

I'm excited and have started!

But how to start with the The first easy step it says is:

`# Install ultrasync onto your system

pip install ultrasync `

I have installed a docker on my Synology NAS, called "python" and opened a terminal. Once I key in the above, I'm already stuck. Is installing a python docker the correct way to go? Or should I take an Ubuntu docker?

Screenshot 2024-03-30 at 20 57 12

Or should I install the GitHub desktop version?

I really have no idea to start, sorry it's my first time...

chatziko commented 3 months ago

I wouldn't do it in docker, it's not meant to run a full OS, it's hard to persist data etc. Better install a full developer environment in a VM (ubuntu, python, vscode, etc).

jnathalia commented 3 months ago

I have installed Ubuntu on a VM (VMware Fusion), including python3.11. VScode was initially not possible, but found the ARM64 version (Apple MacBook).

I installed pip and executed 'pip install ultrasync'!

Now ready starting to test...

When I go to /home/username/.local/bin I can see after the 'ls' command in green 'ultrasync', but that's it... how to continue? I have created a file ats3500.cfg with the IP, username and password.

I run 'python3 ultrasync --config ats3500.cfg -w --debug-dump' but this is the result:

Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 12 38 53
jnathalia commented 3 months ago

The config only allows host, user and PIN.

When using my app "Advisor Advanced Pro" from Aritech I have to fill in at UltraSync:

Alternatively, I can define it via Direct IP:

I think here the authentication process already differs from what has been developed until now.

caronc commented 3 months ago

Can you share the html of your login page (view source, -> save). It will reveal the form (you need the variables

jnathalia commented 3 months ago

the ethernet card of the ATSx500 (Advanced) doesn't have it's own webpage. The only way to access is via the app as far as I know... The ATSx000 (which is the Classic and already end of life) did have its own web page server.

I can share my app's screen, but this won't help you as you want to see how it's connecting via http...

caronc commented 3 months ago

You may need wireshark to capture existing communication to the device at this point then. There isn't a whole lot to work with. The script depends on the http protocol

jnathalia commented 3 months ago

I had a quick look at Wireshark, but it seems not to be able to capture communication at my iPhone...

Would a better alternative?

Or should I install it on my Win11 VM with the ATS8500 installer software to capture the communication? This can connect in both ways, IP and UltraSync...

jnathalia commented 3 months ago

The following is based on UltraSync communication (via the cloud):

Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 23 26 20

This was just the connection process.

jnathalia commented 3 months ago

The following is the IP based connection, which is better as it direct and within the local network:

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 08 18 33 is my local Aritech ATS3500 panel. is my local VM.

Is this what you are looking for? If I need to do anything else, please let me know.

chatziko commented 3 months ago

Seems like connections happen on port 32000 of your panel, which is what this user also reports.

Try nmap -p- to see what else is open on the panel.

jnathalia commented 3 months ago

Correct, this thread has never been picked up any further...

Also 32000 is also obvious as the setting is like: Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 08 50 38

Then Nmap I should install at my Ubuntu instance right? Can it trace that IP from my ATS panel?

chatziko commented 3 months ago

Basically the integration needs to communicate over http, the supported panels have a web interface on port 80. You can check in wireshark whether the communication on port 32000 is http (which I doubt). Otherwise maybe there is an http interface on some other port, you can try, in your browser, or use nmap to find other open ports (but again it's unlikely to have an http interface on some weird port).

If the panel has no http interface then you're probably out of luck. Reverse-engineering a custom binary protocol is hard and time consuming, and would also require to essentially re-write the integration from scratch (the existing code wouldn't be that useful).

jnathalia commented 3 months ago

The Aritech ATSx500A-IP panels do not have a web interface. This is confirmed by my installer and it also clarifies why at the IP address no http(s) page is responding. The latest ATSx700 seems to have this, but this panel is only a few months old and we have been living for 15 years with the ATSx500 series at many residences.

When using the Ultrasync communication protocol, it communicates via http but this is via a cloud server (you can see 2 URL's in the first screen dump). The internal address cannot be accessed via :80 or :32000 or any other port unfortunately.

I'm very much afraid, your last paragraph is the truth although I don't want to hear... and the option of a login via the URL as snagged might be possible:

I also found at the settings of my panel the URL

Although I have said the current Ultrasync integration is only a combination of host, username and PIN code, the Ultrasync for ATSx500 has fields like host, SID number, password and PIN code. Maybe we can just extend the integration with one field? To answer this, the question is, is the field "host" referring to an IP address or cloud/http address? Is the field "username" meant for SID? Is "PIN" meant for password or PIN?

Alternatively, the app is also just communicating via cloud (Ultrasync) or direct via IP. Would it help to snag with on an iPhone and see what kind of communication exists via Ultrasync/cloud?