caronc / nzb-notify

Push Notifications to a large number of supported services for NZBGet and SABnzbd (based on Apprise)
GNU General Public License v3.0
129 stars 15 forks source link

Notification mapping not working with Sabnzbd and MatterMost? #22

Closed seanvree closed 7 years ago

seanvree commented 7 years ago

OS: Windows10E 1703 X64 Sabnzbd: 2.1.0 MatterMost Server: 3.10.0 Notify Script ver: Latest

So I'm getting notifications whenever SAB pauses, shuts down, or other application specific notifications, but when a release is added or finished all that is included in the MatterMost channel is simply the name of the release, no "added", or "finished".

SABNzbd Params: "mmosts://"

See the screenshot below:


#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Notifification wrapper for SABnzbd
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Chris Caron <>
# This file adds support for SABnzbd v1.1.0 or higher
# NZB-Notify is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# NZB-Notify is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with NZB-Notify. If not, see <>.
import subprocess
import sys
import os

    from signal import SIGKILL

except ImportError:
    # Windows 10 with 2.7.10 gave this error to a user for some reason
    # hopefully this will handle this situation
    SIGKILL = 9

from os import getpid
from os import kill
from os.path import abspath
from os.path import dirname
from os.path import join

from time import sleep
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta

import logging
import logging.handlers

# Logging Support
logger = logging.getLogger("sabnzbd-notify - %s" % getpid())
logging.raiseExceptions = 0
h1 = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
h1.setFormatter(logging. \
    Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"))

# Path to notify script
NOTIFY_SCRIPT = join(abspath(dirname(__file__)), '')

# Just some timeout value

# This will be what I'll need you users to toggle if you thing you've
# found a bug you need me to solve.  Send your logs to
# or i'll really have no idea what's going on.

# A mapping of possible notifications to their respected image.  This
# is only referenced by notifications that support this feature.
    # Startup/Shutdown
    'startup': (
    # Added NZB
    'download': (
        'Added NZB',
    # Post-processing started
    'pp': (
        'Post-Processing Started',
    # Job finished
    'complete': (
        'Job Finished',
    # Job failed
    'failed': (
        'Job Failed',
    # Warning
    'warning': (
    # Error
    'error': (
    # Disk full
    'disk_full': (
        'Disk Full',
    # Queue finished
    'queue_done': (
        'Queue Finished',
    # User logged in
    'new_login': (
        'User Logged In',
    # Other Messages
    'other': (
        'Other Messages',

def syntax():
    A simple script to print the syntax to the end user
    return 'Syntax: <Type> <Title> <Message> '+\
        'url1[,url2[,urlN]]' +\
        os.linesep + '* The <Type> can be one of the following:' +\
        os.linesep + os.linesep.join(['\t%s: %s' % (k, v[0]) \
                        for (k,v) in SABNZBD_NOTIFICATION_MAP.items()]) +\
        os.linesep + "* The <Title> and <Message> are self explanitory. "+\
        "If the <Title> is however left" + os.linesep +"\tblank, then the "+\
        "description of the <Type> is used instead." + os.linesep +\
        "* All remaining arguments are treated as URLs. You can also " +\
        "delimit multiple" + os.linesep + "\tURLs in a single " +\
        "string/argument with the use of a comma (,)."

def notify(ntype, title, body, urls, debug=None):
    A callable function so SABnzbd can import this file and just
    call the notifications through here if they wish.
    if debug is None:
        debug = DEBUG_MODE

    if sys.platform[0:3] == 'win':
        # Windows systems require the executable 'python'
        # up front
        cmd = [
            '-t', title,
            '-b', body,
            '-u', SABNZBD_NOTIFICATION_MAP[ntype][1],
            '-s', urls,
        # Other systems determine the environment from
        # the executable's first line #!
        cmd = [
            '-t', title,
            '-b', body,
            '-u', SABNZBD_NOTIFICATION_MAP[ntype][1],
            '-s', urls,

    if debug:
        # Debug Mode Enabled

    # Execute our Process
    p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd)

    ## Calculate Wait Time
    max_wait_time = datetime.utcnow() + \

    while p1.poll() == None:
        if datetime.utcnow() >= max_wait_time:
            logger.error("Process aborted (took too long)")
                kill(, SIGKILL)
        ## CPU Throttle

    if p1.poll() == None:
        ## Safety
            kill(, SIGKILL)

    ## Ensure execution leaves memory

    if p1.returncode not in (0, 93):
        # 93 is a return value recognized by NZBGet as 'good'
        # all systems okay; we want to translate this back to
        # standard shell scripting responses if we get anything
        # outside of what is identified above
        return False
    return True

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Simple parsing of the command line
    if len(sys.argv) <= 4:
        logger.error('Not enough arguments specified.')

    # Make sure our script is available to us
    if not (os.path.isfile(NOTIFY_SCRIPT) and \
            os.access(NOTIFY_SCRIPT, os.X_OK)):
        logger.error('The engine %s was not found!' % NOTIFY_SCRIPT)

    # Parse our arguments to make sure they're valid
    notify_type = sys.argv[1].strip().lower()
    if notify_type not in SABNZBD_NOTIFICATION_MAP.keys():
        logger.error('Invalid <Type> specified (argument 1)')

    # Take on specified title
    notify_title = sys.argv[2].strip()
    if not notify_title:
        notify_title = SABNZBD_NOTIFICATION_MAP[notify_type][0]

    # Store body (empty or not)
    notify_body = sys.argv[3].strip()

    # The URLs are complex and very depending on what we're notifying
    # so we'll let take care of them at this point.
    notify_urls =  ','.join([ v.strip() for v in sys.argv[4:]])

    # Perform Notification
    exit(int(not notify(
caronc commented 7 years ago


I certainly follow what you're asking. I just use the map your referencing (in the code) for image lookups. Potentially we could be passing you a different icon a per category type. At this time i'm not doing that though (just using 1 icon).

With NZBGet, there is a descriptive message title for every failure or success message that gets passed to my script. So many different types of errors can be handed off with respect to that. I didn't realize SABnzbd did not pass in more details other than just the filename in certain cases... Or maybe it is and i have a bug for not referencing more information that is available to me ? :blush:

I'm just wondering if it would make more sense to file this bug against SABnzbd instead? Since you can have multiple types of warnings/alarms in different circumstances, but yet still group them under the same message type. If i change it here, it also implies that everyone who writes their own notification script, they need to maintain their own set of failure messages too. I'll just ping @Safihre to get his thoughts on the matter. I don't mind changing this script either way though.

Safihre commented 7 years ago

It seems the title is missing, SABnzbd definitely sends it. It sends type title msg Which for finishing would be: "complete" "Download completed" "The.Filename"

Same for adding: "download" "NZB added to the queue" "The.Filename" Example of a Windows-notification: image

caronc commented 7 years ago

@Safihre I knew it was going to come back to being my problem! :blush:. Thank you for taking the time to point that out! I'll focus this ticket on that.

seanvree commented 7 years ago

thanks @Safihre - @caronc - Just like before buddy, let me know and I'm willing to test!

just glad it's up and running! So dope! Sorry to nit-pick ya here!

caronc commented 7 years ago

@seanvree you know the routine by now :). You'll need to check out the master branch and giver another go. As always; let me know and I'll do what i can!

seanvree commented 7 years ago

@caronc -

YES! However, not sure why the test is so BIG?! Not sure if that's on my side, but i've never seen any test that big in the MM channel.


caronc commented 7 years ago

Hah, i used heading style one to put the title in.. Lets try a smaller heading number... standby...

seanvree commented 7 years ago


almost there. Tad bit smaller
