caronc / nzb-notify

Push Notifications to a large number of supported services for NZBGet and SABnzbd (based on Apprise)
GNU General Public License v3.0
129 stars 16 forks source link

"ImportError: No module named nzbget" when using with sabnzbd #59

Closed tehniemer closed 4 years ago

tehniemer commented 4 years ago

I'm getting the following error running this script in sabnzbd

 Notification script returned exit code 1 and output "Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/config/scripts/", line 175, in <module>
    from nzbget import SCRIPT_MODE
ImportError: No module named nzbget

I have it calling the script.

caronc commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure what OS you're running, but basically you're just missing the dependencies needed to use nzb-notify.

# Run this from the directory you cloned nzb-notify into; this will haul in your
# missing dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
tehniemer commented 4 years ago

It's running in Docker.

caronc commented 4 years ago

Have a look at #53. It seems like it's your exact error; there are a few suggestions in it at the bottom that will probably fix you right up! :slightly_smiling_face:

tehniemer commented 4 years ago

OK thanks, I'll give that a try.

caronc commented 4 years ago

Did you have any luck? If so, do you mind if I close this ticket off? Otherwise please keep me posted as i can still try to be of more assistance :slightly_smiling_face:

tehniemer commented 4 years ago

No, I have sabnzbd running in docker and this is the error I get

OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:346: starting container process caused "exec: \"pip\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown

I'm guessing the image I'm using doesn't have the right things installed.

caronc commented 4 years ago

Sorry to hear that! Could you share your Dockerfile with me? Maybe we can just adjust it to fix your issue.

tehniemer commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your willingness to help, I'm using the image, looks like this is the dockerfile.

caronc commented 4 years ago

I'm not able to test this at work (where I am due to the firewall blocking the ports needed to build the container), but something like this might work:

FROM lsiobase/xenial
MAINTAINER sparklyballs

# environment settings
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive"
ENV HOME="/config" \

# install packages
 echo "deb xenial main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sabnzbd.list && \
 echo "deb-src xenial main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sabnzbd.list && \
 echo "deb xenial main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sabnzbd.list && \
 echo "deb-src xenial main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sabnzbd.list && \
 apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 0x98703123E0F52B2BE16D586EF13930B14BB9F05F && \
 apt-get update && \
 apt-get install -y \
    p7zip-full \
    par2-tbb \
    python-sabyenc \
    sabnzbdplus \
    unrar \
    unzip \
        python-pip && \

#SABnzbd Notifications / Missing Dependencies
 pip install apprise \
    setuptools \
    pynzbget \
    chardet \
    six && \

# cleanup
 apt-get clean && \
 rm -rf \
    /tmp/* \
    /var/lib/apt/lists/* \

# add local files
COPY root/ /

# ports and volumes
EXPOSE 8080 9090
VOLUME /config /downloads /incomplete-downloads

Ideally the line should probably read:

#SABnzbd Notifications / Missing Dependencies
pip install -r /path/to/nzb-notify/requirements.txt &&

But until i can test the image myself, i don't know what the path is. You could try to get this yourself if you wanted. Do the following:

# first get the container name (hash)
docker ps

# Once you found the sabnzbd container (and have it's hash):
docker run <hash> --rm -i bash

# you'll get a linux prompt; you should be able to locate the
# path to where nzb-notify was installed to. Hopefully the requirements.txt
# exits....

Worst case... just try it with the manual references to the dependencies above.

caronc commented 4 years ago

Just to add to this, I missed your comment about pip being missing. Try adding this first:

apt-get install python-pip

I'll update the sample Docker container reference comment (above) too to include this.

tehniemer commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the guidance, I forked the repository and ended up with this as my dockerfile

FROM lsiobase/ubuntu:bionic

# set version label
LABEL build_version=" version:- ${VERSION} Build-date:- ${BUILD_DATE}"
LABEL maintainer="sparklyballs"

# environment settings
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive"
ENV HOME="/config" \

 echo "***** install gnupg ****" && \
 apt-get update && \
 apt-get install -y \
        gnupg && \
 echo "***** add sabnzbd repositories ****" && \
 apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 0x98703123E0F52B2BE16D586EF13930B14BB9F05F && \
 echo "deb bionic main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sabnzbd.list && \
 echo "deb-src bionic main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sabnzbd.list && \
 echo "deb bionic main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sabnzbd.list && \
 echo "deb-src bionic main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sabnzbd.list && \
 echo "**** install packages ****" && \
 if [ -z ${SABNZBD_VERSION+x} ]; then \
    SABNZBD="sabnzbdplus"; \
 else \
    SABNZBD="sabnzbdplus=${SABNZBD_VERSION}"; \
 fi && \
 apt-get update && \
 apt-get install -y \
    p7zip-full \
    par2-tbb \
    python-pip \
    ${SABNZBD} \
    unrar \
    unzip && \
 pip install --no-cache-dir \
    apprise \
    chardet \
    pynzb \
    requests \
    sabyenc \
    setuptools \
    pynzbget \
    six && \        
 echo "**** cleanup ****" && \
 apt-get clean && \
 rm -rf \
    /tmp/* \
    /var/lib/apt/lists/* \

# add local files
COPY root/ /

# ports and volumes
EXPOSE 8080 9090
VOLUME /config /downloads /incomplete-downloads

The test notification was sent, so it seems to be working and nothing else has broken....yet.

caronc commented 4 years ago

That's great to hear! Also, thank you for sharing your solution too!