caronchen / obsidian-chartsview-plugin

Data visualization solution in Obsidian, support plots and graphs.
MIT License
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Minor correction and question #43

Closed bdemirjian closed 1 year ago

bdemirjian commented 1 year ago

This did not work for me... image

This did though... image followed by image

Please make the change, as I figured this out by manually editing the example code. :)


I would like to apply the code block to the file it is in, is there a reserved word for the current file, that I could use?



caronchen commented 1 year ago

Please upgrade plugin to v1.2.1. Don't indicate file name for using current file.

#- chart type    -#
type: WordCloud

#- chart data    -#
data: "wordcount:"

#- chart options -#
  wordField: "word"
  weightField: "count"
  colorField: "count"
    rotation: 30
bdemirjian commented 1 year ago

@caronchen Thank you so much, for the fast response!

Moreover, I really like using this plugin w/ your stop words... list.

Here is a great source for stop words..

And a hint, if you use templates add those words to your stop words list. :)

Be well! Brad