carousell / pickle

Carousell flavoured image picker with multiple photo selections.
Apache License 2.0
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Update Project Directories #34

Closed bcylin closed 5 years ago

bcylin commented 5 years ago

Previously the project is using the default setup generated via pod lib create, which has a nested project layout:

├── Example
│   ├── Pickle.xcodeproj
│   └── Pods
│       └── Pods.xcodeproj
└── Pickle.xcodeproj -> Example/Pods/Pods.xcodeproj  // a symlink for Carthage support

It has a few problems so far:

This pull request moves the project to a single xcodeporj in the root directory with three targets:

It should be simpler and easier to manage than the nested directories.

carouselljenkins commented 5 years ago

@jianyaoang, can you review this pull request?

carouselljenkins commented 5 years ago
1 Warning
:warning: Big PR

Generated by :no_entry_sign: Danger

daveluong commented 5 years ago

👍 I've experienced all these problems during development of this PR

daveluong commented 5 years ago

I have tested and this works perfectly. Merging it now