carpedm20 / ENAS-pytorch

PyTorch implementation of "Efficient Neural Architecture Search via Parameters Sharing"
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Controller.encoder seems much too large #33

Closed philtomson closed 5 years ago

philtomson commented 5 years ago

From the Controller constructor:

class Controller(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.args = args
        self.forward_evals = 0
        if self.args.network_type == 'rnn':
            # NOTE(brendan): `num_tokens` here is just the activation function
            # for every even step,
            self.num_tokens = [len(args.shared_rnn_activations)]
            for idx in range(self.args.num_blocks):
                self.num_tokens += [idx + 1,
            self.func_names = args.shared_rnn_activations
        elif self.args.network_type == 'cnn':
            self.num_tokens = [len(args.shared_cnn_types),
            self.func_names = args.shared_cnn_types

        num_total_tokens = sum(self.num_tokens) #why sum the tokens here?
        #Shouldn't this be: num_total_tokens = len(args.shared_rnn_activations)+self.args.num_blocks
        self.encoder = torch.nn.Embedding(num_total_tokens,

It seems like _num_totaltokens doesn't need to be summation of the _self.numtokens - in the case where _self.args.numblocks = 6, that number is 49. Yet from what I can tell, the largest number you can ever get where the embedding is used in Controller.forward() is going to be _len(args.shared_rnn_activations)+self.args.numblocks (in this case that would be 10)

carpedm20 commented 5 years ago

You can assume the same activation in a different place to have the same semantics (embedding) or not. I assumed it's different because activation in different locations may have a separate role.

philtomson commented 5 years ago

I've been running through this section of the code in the debugger trying to understand what's going on... when mode is 0 (the case when activation func is being selected) then _sum(self.numtokens[:mode]) is 0. So the line:

inputs = utils.get_variable(
                action[:, 0] + sum(self.num_tokens[:mode]),

Is always just the action[:,0] component which is a value from 0 to 3 (the size of the activation function list)

And when mode is 1, the _sum(self.numtokens[:mode]) is always 4 - so not sure who you can get anything higher than len(args.shared_rnn_activations)+self.args.num_blocks here. mode can only take on values of 0 or 1. Either I'm missing something or maybe it's a bug?