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Issue login #165

Open winbotscript opened 6 years ago

winbotscript commented 6 years ago

Today i found this issue when i want to login

Copy to Line and Click Your LINK QR is: line://au/q/iOT0HhICL6FxBDhF1hyha8aujzBSGrnp Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 40, in cl.login(qr=True) File "F:\LINEBOT\SBWINLIAN\LINETCR\", line 44, in login self.Poll = Poll(self.authToken) File "F:\LINEBOT\SBWINLIAN\LINETCR\Api\", line 35, in init self.rev = self.client.getLastOpRevision() File "F:\LINEBOT\SBWINLIAN\LINETCR\Api../lib/curve\", line 9884, in getLastOpRevision return self.recv_getLastOpRevision() File "F:\LINEBOT\SBWINLIAN\LINETCR\Api../lib/curve\", line 9907, in recv_getLastOpRevision raise result.e curve.ttypes.TalkException: TalkException(parameterMap=None, reason='LOG_OUT', code=8)

How to fix that's, help me please ?

Sanguarian commented 6 years ago

a lot are seeing this code 8 error, something with the qr login got changed with lines newest update

crash-override404 commented 6 years ago

fix it if u real programmer lol

graspingshiva commented 6 years ago

I am having the same problem.. how do I fix this?

ii64 commented 6 years ago

Server update as always.

GraillLord commented 6 years ago

Got the same error :/

smarto0o commented 5 years ago

Did someone get solution of this error???