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Make lab notebooks collaborative, reproducible, maintainable, and navigable #18

Open shntnu opened 4 years ago

shntnu commented 4 years ago

Here, we define the elements of an effective lab notebook.

gwaybio commented 4 years ago

in broadinstitute/hepatocyte_cellpainting_sigma#25 @shntnu writes:

issues to discuss the experiment, and PRs to describe the implementation

Based on this approach, you would create an issue related to this experiment and describe your results in the issue and seek feedback via the issue, not the PR

shntnu commented 4 years ago

I have copied below a set of our (past) ELN requirements. These have evolved ever since, but still are more or less representative.

Priority Feature Minimal requirements
High Tagging Anyone can create tags, no constraint on no. of tags
High WYSIWYG Drag drop images
High Searching Searchable using tags, save searches, boolean operators
High Backup Should be able to backup using Crashplan or Broad servers
High Export Should be able to export notes in a common format
High Linking Should be able to link to other notes
High Inline comments Comments should not be editable by others, but others should be able to "resolve" or reply to it. Comment should automatically be associated with author.
High Large amounts of content Each note needs to be able to handle an appropriate amount of images/data
Medium Collaborative editing No conflicts if multiple people edit
Medium Modularity Each note should be a separate entity
Medium Notification Be notified if you are tagged, or a page is updated
Medium Task management Assign tasks to yourself or others
Medium Access to outsiders When we occasionally want to share a result with someone not regularly using the system, we want to send them a link they can access via web browser
Low Offline access/editing This would be convenient
Low Revision history (esp in case of accidents) Be able to view changes to notes
Low Smooth transition to writing papers Be able to construct a paper outline based on notes
Really low Permissions/security We probably don't care about this feature; nearly all content would be available to all
shntnu commented 3 years ago

When creating a note (=issue), give the title some thought. Here's what we've followed:

  1. If you've already completed the analysis when creating the note, the title is a sentence outlining the conclusion of the analysis.
  2. If not, the title is the hypothesis or the question being addressed (and then later update the title with your conclusion).
shntnu commented 1 year ago

Here's a great template for lab notebooks on GitHub

shntnu commented 4 months ago

Guidelines for using a GitHub repo as a lab notebook


afermg commented 4 months ago

I just have a few comments on this, though I am aware that it is a complex challenge:

shntnu commented 4 months ago

I just have a few comments on this, though I am aware that it is a complex challenge:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts @afermg! I've updated my comment

shntnu commented 3 weeks ago

@afermg I've now created so let's continue the discussion in that repo