carpentries-incubator / docker-introduction

Reproducible Computational Environments using Containers
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Planning upcoming lesson development sprint - Sept/Oct 2021 #135

Closed jcohen02 closed 2 years ago

jcohen02 commented 2 years ago

The next docker-introduction lesson sprint is confirmed for Tuesday 5th October 2021.

The core lesson maintainer team includes participants based in New Zealand, the UK and the US. The proposed co-working time slots are as follows:

Sprint session Time (UTC) Time (US-CDT) Time (UK) Time (NZ) Description
Sprint 1 07:00 - 10:00 08:00-11:00 20:00-23:00 Co-work UK (NZ optional)
Sprint 2 13:00 - 16:00 08:00-11:00 14:00-17:00 Co-work UK / US
Break 16:00 - 17:00
Sprint 3 17:00 - 20:00 12:00-15:00 18:00-21:00 Co-work US (UK optional)
Break 20:00 - 21:00
Sprint 4 21:00 - 24:00 16:00-19:00 22:00-01:00 10:00-13:00
(6th Oct)
Co-work US (UK/NZ optional)

Anyone interested to contribute to the lesson material is welcome to join any of the above sprint sessions. You can let us know in this issue if you're planning to join, or contact @jcohen02, @sstevens2 or @ChristinaLK for join details.

Hi everyone,

Following our very successful lesson development sprint back in early June (see #94), where we went through the lesson material and made a number of decisions about the future direction of the content and also undertook a series of development sprints working on the content, it's been proposed that we have a follow up sprint. The plan is for this to take place in September/October 2021 over a full day, split into a series of sessions to suit different groups of timezones, as we did with the previous sprint.

I'm proposing a set of possible dates below - @carpentries-incubator/docker-introduction-maintainers please vote for your preferred date(s). Anyone is welcome to join the sprint so if you're interested to get involved with the lesson, you're welcome to also vote for your preferred date(s). I'm happy to provide some further dates into October if none of these are practical...

dme26 commented 2 years ago

(That's spanning the last few weeks of semester for me, so I'm likely to have interruptions on any of the above dates, but they're not impossible, either.)

sstevens2 commented 2 years ago

Replied with my options. I really can't do Sept 23rd because I'm teaching instructor training. I'd also prefer not Oct 7th because I'd have to reschedule/miss a lot of meetings.

jcohen02 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for adding your availability and sorry the timing is not great @dme26. It's looking like Tuesday 5th October could be a reasonable date to go with so I'm going to suggest we pencil that in and I'll update with further details here in due course, assuming nothing comes up and we're all still OK with this. However, if you feel pushing this back to later in October would be preferable, let me know.

Proposed date for next Docker lesson co-working sprint: Tuesday 5th October 2021.

ChristinaLK commented 2 years ago

Tuesday the 5th works for me; I'll have to miss 2 hours for office hours but otherwise I can block it off now.

sstevens2 commented 2 years ago

Blocked on my calendar too.

mmalenta commented 2 years ago

Hello, I will joining for Sprints 1 and 2 (possibly 3).