carpentries-incubator / docker-introduction

Reproducible Computational Environments using Containers
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Bring your own install / try something on your own exercise #194

Open sstevens2 opened 1 year ago

sstevens2 commented 1 year ago

Hi all!

I taught this a couple weeks ago and I split it into 2 half days. The first half day we got through creating an image using a Dockerfile. I told them to try to bring their own unix shell install that they wanted to try out on day 2.

Then the 2nd day I talked about more advanced containers (still cut a little at the end of that) and then I summarized the reproducibility content and then I had them do a 30 min exercise where they could work on their own install or do one of the examples from the lesson. I put them in breakout rooms with a helper/instructor in each to help. I think it went pretty well. I then brought them back together for my usual wrap-up slides.

Any thoughts about if this might be something we should try to add to the lesson or instructor notes?