Shows how dates up fron make it difficult to find by genotype/conditions (thogh dates in front may have value if for example content has multiple variables)
1a Ordering by date obscures pattern in conditions/samples
s12 is before s1,s2 if 0 not used
That you need to be numeric in dates (Aug before Jul)
That you need to be consisnten 2020-7 is after 2020-08-13
You should think how you are going to search or looking at the data, We have clear LD vs SD conditions and then organized by genotype
Be careful with cases, ld is after SD, also phya is after phyB
keeping same length of parts makes easier to read, at there is ons and off (on succrose, off succrose) nicely ordered, above there is on and off makes it jumpy
So my example:
Shows how dates up fron make it difficult to find by genotype/conditions (thogh dates in front may have value if for example content has multiple variables) 1a Ordering by date obscures pattern in conditions/samples
s12 is before s1,s2 if 0 not used
That you need to be numeric in dates (Aug before Jul)
That you need to be consisnten 2020-7 is after 2020-08-13
You should think how you are going to search or looking at the data, We have clear LD vs SD conditions and then organized by genotype
Be careful with cases, ld is after SD, also phya is after phyB
keeping same length of parts makes easier to read, at there is ons and off (on succrose, off succrose) nicely ordered, above there is on and off makes it jumpy