@kwross went through ~60% of Episode 5 in 50 minutes for an audience that was mostly new to Python prior to the previous days where the novice lesson was taught
10 minutes lost in beginning from setup issues
we didn't teach Unix to leave more time for Git, Python, geo python
a large fraction of people foudn it easier to use windows anaconda prompt rather than install gitbash and go through anaconda setup on git bash
Kent taught setup in office hours with both gitbash and anaconda prompt open
he could skip gitbash setup and go straight to environment setup instructions for geospatial
reached crs.area_of_use and discussing pyproj to view all crs info.
Episode 6 timings need to be updated
30 minutes total seems more reasonable, there's not nearly as much code as episode 5
John spent 40 minutes on episode 6 so maybe this is a good estimate to start from
SJER challenge has projection mismatch with variable names, double check all this part of the lesson
Future work
feature request for reading in netcdfs from ARSET learner
can we get an example netcdf or hdf dataset to work with @kwross?
need to include caveat that there's more work to do to associate projection info to an xarray dataset or dataarray representing these formats, and that you need to convert in memory to a rioxarray dataarray
idea: show how to import modis ndvi for the HARV location remotely without local file
whole episode on data access would be great
list of options: opendap, cloud requester pays or cloud not requester pays,download from common providers
lesson review with @kwross @jdilger
Episode 5
Episode 6 timings need to be updated
Future work