carpentries-incubator / julia-data-workflow

Learn Julia workflows for data-intensive research
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Learning objectives #1

Open kescobo opened 3 years ago

kescobo commented 3 years ago

Moving a discussion from PM with @jd-foster on julia discourse to here. We seem to be in agreement that the actual domain is less important than the specific learning objectives. I wrote (partly paraphrasing @jd-foster in places)

In very general terms (and this is somewhat reiterating what you already said), I think

  • IO for a standard data type like json or csv, and io for some other non-standard data
  • Organizing data in tabular (DataFrame) form, and as arrays or Dicts. In my field, I often use some custom structs, though I don’t know how universal that is
  • Some basic stats and descriptions of data
  • Some basic visualisations

Here's a first draft of formalizing these into concrete (though high-level) learning objectives:

After completing this course, students will be able to...

  1. Utilize existing julia libraries to read and write files in standard data formats (eg. CSV and JSON) into suitable data structures
  2. Make use of general I/O and string-manipulation utilities to read data in non-standard formats into basic data structures such as arrays and dictionaries.
  3. View, describe, and manipulate numerical and text data in a tabular format using DataFrames.jl
  4. Calculate statistical summaries of numerical data
  5. Generate visual representations of data using an existing plotting library.