carpentries-incubator / lc-webscraping

Introduction to web scraping
37 stars 28 forks source link

This is very different from the data-lessons version #26

Open jnothman opened 6 years ago

jnothman commented 6 years ago

I'd be interested to know why all the changes (arguable improvements) to were not transferred here, which seems to have adopted, and then edited, an older version. Has there been consideration of bringing over any beneficial changes from data-lessons?

Apart from anything else, I think the Scraper tool used here is much less powerful than the state of the art in visual scraping systems: its limitation to single-page scrapes is especially problematic. Then getting students to understand site maps, fetching, etc, in order to write up a Python scraper, when they've previously only done single-page visual scraping, is a big jump for students who are not at home with coding.

ostephens commented 6 years ago

Agreed. My guess is that this was a mistake - only guessing but I wonder if the version here was copied from the master branch of the old repo rather than the gh-pages branch?