carpentries-incubator / ml4bio-workshop

Materials for a workshop introducing machine learning to biologists
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Machine learning introductions for beginners #43

Open agitter opened 5 years ago

agitter commented 5 years ago

This Nature Methods editorial about machine learning in biology could be a good resource for us to send participants before the workshop, though it's fairly heavy on deep learning.

dltreu commented 5 years ago

As a non-computation person, I thought it a good read, a broad look at the topic. It could also be a good introduction to the "ethics" questions that have come up in the pilots - responsible use of ML, biased data, etc.

agitter commented 5 years ago

Three pitfalls to avoid in machine learning is written at an appropriate level for our audience. Their pitfalls are all relevant for biology:

The article also links to Google's AI education site.

cmilica commented 5 years ago

this is great! Thank you!

agitter commented 4 years ago

This comic is a good overview of the major ML concepts we want to teach:

dltreu commented 4 years ago


agitter commented 4 years ago

Here's another great article for beginners: How to Read Articles That Use Machine Learning: Users’ Guides to the Medical Literature

Some aspects toward the end are clinically oriented and less relevant for us, but most of the definitions and motivations are perfect.

dltreu commented 4 years ago

Tony, this is superb. A glossary, case studies and a good general introduction to machine learning.

It might be a piece to handout before the session (or between parts 1 and 2, if the new pilot is a two part), giving participants time to digest and develop questions.


agitter commented 4 years ago

This slide deck on evaluating machine learning claims is targeted toward a similar audience. The examples of which reported accuracies you would trust is a good illustration of how to evaluate models:

agitter commented 11 months ago

This repository is collecting interactive ML demos: