carpentries-incubator / proposals

Open an issue in this repository to share Carpentries-style lessons and lesson ideas.
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Other R lessons #15

Open ErinBecker opened 5 years ago

ErinBecker commented 5 years ago

These materials were previously listed on the DEPRECATED sharing-lessons Etherpad.

ErinBecker commented 5 years ago

@stijnvanhoey, @tibhannover, @uomresearchit - We've just created The Carpentries Incubator GH organization to provide a single point of entry for community members to share lesson materials and discuss ideas for new lessons. Your lesson materials were previously listed on the sharing-lessons Etherpad, which has now been deprecated. All of the resources listed on that pad have been migrated here. We're still working on organizing this repo, so please do let me know if you have ideas for how best to organize this information to make it accessible to the community.

stijnvanhoey commented 5 years ago

It would be fine to have the lesson enlisted. Should we make a separate issue to have the lesson also enlisted?

ErinBecker commented 5 years ago

@stijnvanhoey - Sorry I'm not sure I understand your comment above. Are you asking to have your Git Using RStudio lesson hosted in The Carpentries Incubator? if so, great! It looks like you're already using the lesson template, so you'll just need to do the following:

  1. Confirm that you've read The Carpentries Code of Conduct and that your lesson materials conform to the CoC.
  2. Add a license to the lesson (either CC-BY or CC-0).

Once those are done, you can request to transfer the repository to the carpentries-incubator GH organization (in the "Danger Zone" of your repo's Settings). Please let me know if you have any collaborators who should be given write access to the repo once it is in the incubator.

Let me know if you have any questions or if I've misunderstood your comment! Looking forward to having you in the Incubator.

stijnvanhoey commented 5 years ago

I'm sorry for the unclear comment, but you interpreted it just perfect. I'll do the required steps to move the repo to the incubator, thanks for the information.

ErinBecker commented 5 years ago

Excellent! Let me know when you've put in the request to transfer the repo and I'll accept it on our end. Welcome to The Carpentries Incubator!

stijnvanhoey commented 5 years ago

I do use the carpentry lesson template license, so that should be ok. I've read and the lesson is - to the best of my knowledge - conform the CoC. Please add @orchid00 as a collaborator as she was involved in the setup of the lesson.

stijnvanhoey commented 5 years ago

However, when trying to transfer the repo, I got the following message on Github:

You don’t have the permission to create repositories on carpentries-incubator

ErinBecker commented 5 years ago

Sorry @stijnvanhoey - I forgot I had to give you that permission. I'm setting your access now to allow you to transfer the repo. Please let me know when you have.

ErinBecker commented 5 years ago

Hi @stijnvanhoey - have you run into any problems transferring the repo with your new permissions? Looking forward to having it in the Incubator! Please let me know if you have trouble.

ErinBecker commented 5 years ago

It looks like your invitation to join the organization is still pending. Please let me know if you'd like me to resend.

stijnvanhoey commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the reminder, all went fine

ErinBecker commented 5 years ago

Whoops - reopening in case @tibhannover or @uomresearchit also wanted to host their lessons in the Incubator.

ErinBecker commented 5 years ago

I've just realized I neglected to add @orchid00 as a collaborator on the git-Rstudio lesson! So sorry about that Paula. You should have an invitation now to join the repo.