carpentries-incubator / proposals

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[Proposal]: Apptainer Introduction #187

Open cbohn4 opened 4 months ago

cbohn4 commented 4 months ago

1. Lesson Topic

Introduction to Apptainer

2. Lesson Language


3. Draft materials

4. Requirements for existing materials

5. New repository creation

6. Transfer existing repository

7. Collaborators


8. Info/Questions

This is an update/fork to an existing incubator lesson to switch Singularity out with Apptainer and to update the examples.

There was a discussion about this in the repository where one of the considerations on why the change wasn't made in that lesson was to allow learners from the past or still using Singularity or the SingularityCE fork would be able to use the lesson materials. Our HPC center currently utilizes Apptainer after the move to the Linux Foundation with Singularity. We still have 'singularity' symlinked to 'apptainer' on our resources, but this may or may not be the case for other HPC centers.

I still wish to have Jeremy and Andrew listed in the repository as authors to keep credit to them for the original materials.

If this is better suited to remain a local fork of the singularity introduction, please let me know.

tobyhodges commented 4 months ago

Thank you for submitting this lesson to The Carpentries Incubator, @cbohn4!

You should have received an invitation to join a Team of maintainers (apptainer-introduction-maintainers) for the lesson, as part of the carpentries-incubator organization on GitHub. After you have accepted that invitation, you should be able to initiate the transfer into carpentries-incubator, via the repository Settings. When that is done, I will make sure that you retain the appropriate level of access to the repository: you will be given full administrative rights, and the collaborators you listed above will be given "Maintain" privileges.

To keep in touch with The Carpentries curriculum community you may find it useful to join the incubator-developers list on The Carpentries TopicBox and/or the lesson-dev channel on The Carpentries Slack. Joining the Slack channel requires that you first become a member of that workspace.

I will leave this issue open until the transfer has been completed. If you have any questions about the process, or if you run into any trouble, please post back here and I will be happy to help you.